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(碩專班:劉欣怡) (指導教授:陳韻如)


  • 研究生: 劉欣怡
  • 論文名稱: 男性工作世界中「新兵」─以我國女性志願役士兵為例
  • 指導教授: 陳韻如
  • 關鍵字:   志願女性士兵、性別群體、軍隊職場




Considering the current situation of Taiwan’s female volunteer soldiers, they must have to face predicaments and restrictions once served in the military. This study aims to reveal female volunteer soldiers’ methods and attitudes coping with the male-dominated environment, to understand how they find their roles and seek supports in this environment, and how they overcome hardships and seize opportunities. The two goals of this study are to reveal female volunteer soldiers’ predicaments, and to discuss the inequality due to Taiwan’s current military organization. Female volunteer soldiers are grass roots of a military, thus they have to deal with gender issues as well as to adapt the rank system and to follow the leaders. Besides, soldiers represents the majority of a company, this study focus on whether the gender ratio affects the working experiences or promotions of female soldiers. Through qualitative research, this study takes interviews of twenty female soldiers--from a signal corps unit (highest female ratio in a single military unit) and from a service unit (unit with a higher male ratio) and in depth interviews to conduct case study on organization, system, regulations, work, and life. The result of the analysis reveals that expanding female ratio can improve interactions between the two genders but cannot solve the gender inequality problem. Taiwan’s military system prioritize male soldiers than females, therefore higher ranking officers treat males and females differently. Female soldiers are the underdogs; they cannot exploit talents to compete for promotions, neither can they have a fair competition with male soldiers.