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(碩專班:劉雪如) (指導教授:張清富)


  • 研究生: 劉雪如
  • 論文名稱: 為愛找尋「出口」─談夫妻溝通對婚姻滿意度的影響
  • 指導教授: 張清富
  • 關鍵字: 夫妻溝通情形、婚姻滿意度
  • 良好的溝通是婚姻健康的指標,而幸福婚姻的先決條件在於有效的傾聽與分享。本文旨在探討不同背景變項與夫妻溝通對婚姻滿意度之相關研究,並進一步探討影響夫妻溝通情形的因素。



  • Abstract

    A good communication between couples is the index to of marital health. The prerequisite of a happy marriage is the effectiveness of good listening and sharing. This study discusses how personal backgrounds and couple communication influencing marital satisfaction and, furthermore, attempts to analyzes factors that influence couple communication.

    The data of this project adopted questionnaires from a field study conducted by Academia Sinica, Republic of China: “Social Survey Program of Taiwan,” volume 5, 2006. Descriptive statistics, linear regression analysis, and path analysis are used in this study. Our results show that the factors affecting marital satisfaction are gender, the number of children and the status of couple communication. Of which, the most significant factor is status of couple communication. Men’s marital satisfaction is better than that of women. Families without children or families with four more children are better marital satisfaction than that of other families.

    Due to the fact that the couple communication is an important predictive variable in marital satisfaction, the study uses the variable to conduct a path analysis in order to find causality of these variables.. The results find that although male, education (high school or above), age gap (from zero to four years), atheists, and the family in the first stage of family life cycle, don’t have direct effects on marital satisfaction. However, through couple communication, these factors do have indirect effects on marital satisfaction.