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(碩專班:張如欣) (指導教授:張清富)


  • 研究生: 張如欣
  • 論文名稱: 國中生偏差行為因素之研究
  • 指導教授: 張清富
  • 關鍵字: 國中生、偏差行為、老師、學校因素
  • 本研究以台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱為TEPS)第一波老師與學生之問卷資料(限制使用版)做為研究樣本,探討家庭因素與學校因素對偏差行為的影響,並檢視男、女國中生之偏差行為有何差異。以多元迴歸的分析法中,發現不同性別中,「喜歡學校的程度」、「師生互動」、「對於課業重視程度」和「負向朋友類型」均對偏差行為的產生發揮影響力,其它如「學期中與父母同住」、「與父親相處融洽程度」、「老師性別與教育類別」、「對於學生學習之要求」、「一週的讀書時間」、「正向朋友類型」對偏差行為之影響,則依不同性別而有差異。本研究發現,學校因素與家庭因素會影響國中生的偏差行為,但學校因素較為重要,因為學校是扮演國中生避免偏差行為的重要支持力量來源之一,特別是學校教師對學生的關懷及行為變化的敏銳觀察,如能即時予以介入關心及導正,則國中生偏差行為應該可以適度避免。
  • Abstract

    Using the dataset of the first wave questionnaires about both students and teachers of the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) collected by the Center for Survey Research at Academia Sinica, Republic of China, this project tries to figure out how both family and school factors affecting deviance among junior high school students. Furthermore, this study attempts to analyze sex differences of deviance among junior high school students.

    Using multiple regression to study factors affecting junior high school students’ deviance, this empirical results demonstrate degree of liking school, interaction between both teachers and students, the degree of students valuing schoolwork, negative of friends, all have influences on male and female students’ deviance. In addition, living with family, degree of getting along with fathers, gender and educational background of teachers, requirement about learning attitude of students by teachers, how much time spending on study, positive of friends, have different effects on male and female students’ deviance.

    This study shows that both family and school factors can influence deviance among junior high school students. However, Junior high school factors are more important because they are sources of social supports to prevent junior high school students from deviance, especially as teachers can pay attention to students’ behavioral change on time.