

首頁 > 學生表現 > 三鶯研究>歷屆碩專班論文

(碩專班:邱苑琪) (指導教授:蔡明璋)


  • 研究生: 邱苑琪
  • 論文名稱: 從消費者行為看臺灣社會階層間生活模式的差異
  • 指導教授: 蔡明璋
  • 關鍵字:   社會階層、生活模式、文化資本、消費行為、文化多樣性
  • 本文主要的研究目的在於分析台灣社會中,不同階層間消費文化的生活模式差異。研究使用「台灣社會變遷基本調查計劃」五期三次的社會階層組問卷資料,針對研究問題分析音樂和戲劇、休閒活動、閱讀書籍、奢侈品和汽車等五個生活模式面向,研究假設:一、階層位置越高,文化性消費行為的表現越呈現出文化的多樣性;二、階層位置越高,在炫燿性消費上容易受參照群體Reference Groups影響而有其獨特的消費行為。



  • Abstract

    The main purpose of this research is to analyze and compare the consumer behavior differences between different social classes in Taiwan . The database come from “2007 Taiwan Social Change Survey 5-3” by which collecting all information from the replied questionnaires project to five major consuming topics – Music&Drama leisure activities Reading , Luxury goods and Cars . There are two consumptions in my research : 1. Higher position level consumers of a society trend to consume with more culture varieties . 2. Higher position level consumers’ consuming character trend to be influenced by the “Reference Group” .

    The findings in my research can be concluded :.A. For the topics of culture activities like music and drama , there is no apparent correlation between family income and activities . On the other hand, it is very reasonable and explainable that there is a positive correlation between family income and other luxury activities . B. For the specific item of car purchasing , it strongly correlates to the family income and its community interaction . No correlation was found with its education level .

    Base on the analysis result and conclusions showed above , it is obviously that the

    consumer behavior for culture activities and luxury goods belongs to different categories, each one of them also has its own character . There is no any single parameter such as education, occupation, family income or communi interaction can fit into a model to explain all consumer behaviors . However , it will become meaningful while we try to explain each individual consumer behavior by a specified parameter .