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(碩專班:劉昌和) (指導教授:陳婉琪)


  • 研究生: 劉昌和
  • 論文名稱: 台灣勞工教養策略之探究
  • 指導教授: 陳婉琪
  • 關鍵字: 技術勞工階級、教養策略、協同教養、自然成長
  • [摘要]

    從階級變遷的觀點來看,台灣社會傾向後工業主義的論述:服務業及技術勞工階級有擴張的趨勢。在量變造成質變的社會學想像下,本研究依照Lareau所提出的三個面向(時間的使用、語言的使用、制度的接觸)及Coleman所提出的代間緊密(intergenerational closure)為第四個面向,來檢視台灣社會中各階級間是否因為階級文化的差異而型塑出對子女的不同教養策略。並將重點放在技術勞工階級是否在教育程度與家戶收入相對低於白領階級的情況下,傾向採用與白領階相似的教養策略。研究發現,相較於白領階級所採用的「協同教養」(Concerted Cultivat-

    ion)策略;勞工階級的確傾向採用「自然成長」(Accomplishment of Natural Growth)策略。然而,當筆者依照「職業的技術性需求與否」將勞工階級區分為技術勞工階級與非技術勞工階級,在控制家戶收入與教育程度情況下,則發現技術勞工階級在教養策略上與白嶺階級並沒有差異。可見,除了家戶收入與教育程度外,職業的技術性所帶來的階級文化亦是型塑教養策略的重要因素。此外,並非所有面向上的檢測都有階級上的差異,在語言使用這一面向上,唯一達顯著性的自變項就只有教育程度。也就是說,不分階級,台灣的家長大多非以溝通方式解決與子女之間的衝突。而教育程度愈高,愈傾向以溝通方式解決親子衝突。

  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    From the view point of gentrification, the development of Taiwan's society is consistent to post-industrialism: the service and skilled labor sectors are expanding. In accordance to the socialogical theory that the change in quantity results in the change in quality, this study focuses Lareau's three criteria: time use, language use, and institution contact, and Coleman's intergenerational closure being the fourth criterion. These four criteria will be used to examen whether the cultural differences within each socio-economic class result in dissimilarities in the upgringing strategy of children. Additionally, the emphasis will be placed on whether skilled-labor class—under the condition that their educational level and incom level are lower than white collar class—has simillar childrearing stragies as the white-collar class. According to the finding of this research, while Concerted Cultivation is prevalent in the white-collar class, Accomplishment of Natural Growth tend to be the strategy for the skilled-labor class families. This research divides the labor class into two categories: skilled-labor class and non-skilled-labor class; using household income and education as controls, it because clear that the skilled-labor-class families are strategically similar to white-collar-class families in childrearing strategies. Consequently, besides household income and educational level, strategic difference in childrearing as a result of the parents' cultural differences in their respective professions is an important factor as well. In the area of language use, the only variable is educational level. In other words, regardless of socio-economic class, the majority of parents in Taiwan do not resolve parent-child conflicts with mutual reasoning. As the level of education increases, the propensity to utilize mutual reasoning to resolve parent-child conflicts increases proportionally.