

首頁 > 學生表現 > 碩士/碩專班畢業論文>歷屆碩專班論文

(碩專班:畢雯) (指導教授:楊文山)


  • 研究生: 畢雯
  • 論文名稱: 身心障礙者勞動狀況暨決定因素:以台灣地區為例
  • 指導教授: 楊文山
  • 關鍵字: 身心障礙者、勞動狀況、社會資本、人力資本、社經地位
  • [摘要]


  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    This study aims to analyze the employment condition of people with disabilities who are of the most disadvantaged group in our society. This study explores particularly key socio-demographic factors of people with disabilities in Taiwan, focusing on their working status and their socio-economic status. The data used in the analysis are drawn from the “Employment Condition of People with Disabilities Survey, 2005” from Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan. By employing both descriptive statistics and multinomial logic statistical model, the study explores key factors that determine the employment condition of people with disabilities and their socio-economic status. The major findings of the study are as the following: given that the other variables are controlled, the variables “sex,” “age,” “marital status,” “educational attainment,” “the type of disability,” and “the grade of disability” are the key determinants of labor participation for people with disabilities; “sex,” “age,” “education,” “the type of disability,” and “the grade of disability” are the key determinants of current working status for people with disabilities; “sex,” “the type of disability,” “the grade of disability,” “the working hours per weeks,” “industry,” “employment status,” “length of working time” “social capital (social networks),” “human capital (education)” are the key determinants which affect the socio-economic status of people with disabilities. Finally, I discuss the theoretical implications and methodological issues of this study. Besides, this study also provides a reference point by providing suggestions for further studies of the subject in the future.