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(碩專班:陳桂榕) (指導教授:郭文般)


  • 研究生:陳桂榕
  • 論文名稱:誰參與政治?台灣宗教徒比較研究
  • 指導教授:郭文般
  • 關鍵字:個人宗教性 ; 宗教歸屬 ; 政治參與
  • [摘要]



  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    This study is aimed at analyzing the religious effects on peoples’ political participation, using data collected by Taiwan Social Change Survey, the fourth phase’s fifth year. The major findings are as the follows:

    1. Using non-believers as the comparison category, religious believers in general are more active in their political participation.

    2. Christians are the most active ones in four among five aspects of political participation:the election participation,political expressions,attending to the election information and the audition of general political information; Taoists, New Religions adherents and the Buddhists are more active in two aspects, i.e. the political expression and their attending to the election information; The folk religionists are only more active in the attending of the election information.

    3. Lastly, personal religiosity is the best predicator of the peoples’ political participation, the more pious and the more religiously active will also be more active in political participation.