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(碩專班:張秀玫) (指導教授:蔡明璋)

  • 研究生:張秀玫
  • 論文名稱:臺灣地區民眾社會整合狀況、親密關係支持與心理衛生關係之探討
  • 指導教授:蔡明璋
  • 關鍵字:臺灣 ; 社會整合 ; 親密關係 ; 社會支持 ; 心理衛生
  • [摘要]

    本研究利用2001年「台灣社會變遷基本調查」第四期第二次家庭組問卷資料進行分析,探討社會整合狀況(social integration)和親密關係支持(intimacy support )對臺灣地區民眾心理衛生(mental health)的影響,並比較這兩種重要變項間的差異情形,據以檢視社會整合理論和親密關係理論。




  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    This study aims to analyze how social integration and intimacy support affect the mental health of Taiwanese people. The data used is the Taiwan Social Change Survey (the questionnaires of the family module of Taiwan Social Change Survey 4th wave collected in the year of 2001). After having controlled the variations of personal background、the findings from OLS regression estimation indicate that the strong influences of employment、which supports the social integration hypothesis. The effect of marital status and models of living vary in different aspects of mental health. Numbers of the family with income and numbers of adult are insignificant in this study. Upon examining the influence of intimacy support、we found that personal mental health is closely associated with most intimacy support variables (particularly of kin and friends). The result of this paper implies: The influence of intimacy support exerts strong influence while social integration shows less effect on personal mental health. The concluding section of this paper discusses the theoretical implications and methodological issues of this study.