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(碩專班:羅華容) (指導教授:郭文般)

  • 研究生:羅華容
  • 論文名稱:宗教信仰與幸福感:以日蓮正宗基金會信徒為例
  • 指導教授:郭文般
  • 關鍵字:宗教信仰 ; 幸福感 ; 日蓮正宗
  • [摘要]

    本研究主要探討日蓮正宗基金會(Nichren Shoshu)信徒進入該宗教信仰之原因、信仰投入之狀況及其個人幸福感之相關性,以隨機抽樣方式收取647份有效問卷,共蒐集全台18個縣市的日蓮正宗基金會信徒作為研究對象。以統計套裝軟體SPSS13.0版統計套裝軟體進行資料處理分析。其研究結果如下:

    一、 性別對於宗教信仰原因、宗教投入程度及幸福感有差異性:

    (一) 以「實際性目的」為信仰原因方面女性信徒高於男性信徒。

    (二) 女性信徒的信仰態度及信仰實踐程度高於男性。

    (三) 女性信徒幸福感較男性信徒高。

    二、 年齡與信仰原因、信仰投入程度及幸福感等有差異性

    (一) 年齡層在40歲以下的信徒較多以社會性因素為信仰原因,年齡層在41歲以上的信徒則較多以實際性目的為信仰之原因。

    (二) 在信仰態度、信仰實踐及經文學習方面均呈現年齡層高之信徒投入高於年輕之信徒之趨勢。

    三、 婚姻與信仰原因、信仰投入程度有差異性

    (一) 離婚的信徒較於未婚及已婚信徒較多以制度性旨趣因素加入信仰

    (二) 未婚信徒較已婚信徒較多社會性因素加入信仰

    (三) 已婚信徒較未婚信徒更多以實際性目的因素為信仰原因。

    四、 教育程度與信仰原因及信仰實踐有差異性

    (一) 高中職程度信徒較大學程度以上的信徒多以傳統性宗教旨趣為主要信仰


    (二) 國中程度信徒則較大學以上程度信徒多以實際性目的因素加入信仰。

    (三) 高中職信徒在信仰實踐力方面高於大學程度信徒。

    五、 教育程度為預測幸福感的重要因子

    六、 父親籍貫與信仰原因及信仰實踐有差異性

    (一) 父親為客家籍貫的信徒較父親為閩南籍貫的信徒較多制度性旨趣因素加入信仰。

    (二) 父親為閩南籍貫的信徒較父親為客家籍貫之受試者較多以社會性因素加入信仰。

    (三) 父親籍貫為「客家 」籍的信徒在經文學習之投入程度顯著高於父親籍貫為「閩南」籍的信徒。

    七、 職業別與信仰原因及信仰實踐有差異性

    . (一)學生信徒以社會性因素為信仰原因方面高於其他行業別。


    八、 居住地區在信仰原因及信仰投入有差異性

    (一) 桃竹苗地區信徒較台北縣信徒多以制度性旨趣因素加入信仰。

    (二) 基隆、宜蘭及花蓮地區信徒在在信仰實踐及經文學習方面較南部及台北縣之信徒更投入。


    (一) 在教團中擁有職務的信徒比一般信徒較多以實際性目的為信仰原因。

    (二) 在幸福感方面擔任教團職務之受試者在幸福感總分方面高於一般信徒。


    (一) 信仰年資5年以下的信徒較在信仰年資15年以上信徒多以傳統性宗教旨趣為主要信仰原因。

    (二) 信仰投入方面信仰年資深的信徒高於信仰年資淺的信徒。



  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    This research mainly probed into the relevance of the religious belief reason, the invest intensity and the well-being of believers in Nichiren Shoshu Foundation of R.O.C., collected 647 effective questionnaires by random sampling pattern, and took believers distributed over 18 counties and cities in Taiwan as the research subjects. The data was analyzed by count suit software SPSS13.0 edition. Its result of study was as follows:

    I. There were significant sex differences in religious belief reason, invest intensity and the well-being:

    (1) The percentages of female believer regard ' actual purpose ' as the reason were higher than that of the male believer.

    (2) The female believers were higher in the attitude and the practice intensity than male believers.

    (3) Women believer's well-being was higher than that of the male believer.

    II. There were differences in the religious belief reason, the invest intensity and the well-being by age.

    (1) There were more believers of the age level under 40 years old to regard social factor as the faith reason, and more believers of the age levels over 41 years old to regard actual purpose as the reason of faith.

    (2) In the believe attitude, the believe practice and the literature practice, there was a tendency that old believers had higher invest intensity than young believers had.

    III. There were differences in the religious belief reason, and the invest intensity by Marriage.

    (1) There were relatively more believers divorcing to unmarried and married believers to join faith with the institutional purport factor

    (2) There were more unmarried believers than married believers to join faith with the social factor.

    (3) The married believer regarded actual purpose factor as the faith reason more than the unmarried believer.

    IV. There were differences in the religious belief reason, and the practice intensity by education degree.

    (1) Relatively the believers of high school regarded traditional religious purport as mainly believe reason were more than the believer above intensity of the university.

    (2) The percentages of believers with junior high school level acceded to faith with actual purpose factor were higher than that of believers with university level.

    (3) The believer of high school was higher than the believer of the university in believing practice strength.

    V. The education degree was the important factor in order to predict the well-being.

    VI. There were differences in the religious belief reason, and the practice intensity by father’s native place.

    (1) There were more believers father’s native place was the Hakka than those father’s native place was the Minnarn placed into faith by institutional purport factors.

    (2) There were more believers father’s native place was the Minnarn than those father’s native place was the Hakka placed into faith by social factors.

    (3) The literature practice intensity of believers whose father was the Hakka were higher than that of father’s native place was the Minnarn.

    VII. There were differences in the religious belief reason, and the practice intensity by the occupation.

    (1) Student believers regarded social factor as reason were more than others.

    (2) Student's literature practice intensity was generally lower than others.

    VIII. There were differences in the religious belief reason, and the invest intensity by the residence.

    (1) Believers in TaoChuMiao Area were more acceded to faith by the institutional purport factor than believers in Taipei County.

    (2) Believers in Keelung, Yilan and Hualien spent more investment in believe practice and literature practice than those in south and Taipei.

    IX. There were differences in the religious belief reason, the invest intensity and the well-being by the position in religion.

    (1) There were more believers with position in religion to regard actual purpose as the reason of faith than general believers among order.

    (2) In the well-being, the believer with position in religion had higher total points than the general believer.

    X. There were differences in the religious belief reason, the invest intensity and the well-being by seniority

    (1) Believers whose seniority were under 5 years relatively regarded traditional religious purport as mainly believe reason than believers whose seniority were over 15 years.

    (2) In the invest intensity, senior believers were higher than junior believers.

    XI. The believe practice was important to predict factor for the well-being, and appeared to show as significant positive correlation. The stronger practice strength, the more positive influence for the well-being.

    Keywords: Nichiren Shoshu, Religious belief, Well-being