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(碩專班:李佳芬) (指導教授:蔡明璋)

  • 研究生:李佳芬
  • 論文名稱:不同勞動類型之社會排除與工作期待
  • 指導教授:蔡明璋
  • 關鍵字:社會排除 ; 勞動市場 ; 長期失業
  • [摘要]


    研究方法採用中央研究院學術調查研究資料庫所釋出之「台灣社會變遷基本調查」第四期第三次資料庫,針對18 - 64歲勞動人口進行社會排除的實證研究。本研究發現:(一)關係面向方面:1.有就業者相對於長期失業者,擁有較佳之關係網絡。失業者在尋職或需要幫忙時可援助的人際網絡較弱,相對能接觸的就業機會有限。2.就業類型群體與社會的互動性較高,較容易融入社會而成為主流群體。3.長期失業類型不論在情感性網絡、工具性網絡及與社會互動的機會上,相對其他勞動類型均受到較大程度的排除。(二)個人面向方面:1.長期失業者在社會標籤化及自卑心理下,認為自身階級不如人。2.穩定就業者主觀認定自己於社會中所處地位相對較高,其次分別為不穩定就業、短期失業,長期失業者多認定自己在社會中的地位偏低。3. 不穩定就業類型雖歸屬就業型態,惟其工作所帶來的成就較為有限,甚至與短期失業者自認的成就相當。(三)社團參與方面:缺乏社團參與在台灣是一普遍的情況,並非僅限於某種勞動類型群體,也因為國人並不認為參與社團的重要,也就沒有所謂的排除。(四)社區參與方面:各項社區活動中僅以捐錢給宗教團體或慈善機構之參與率較高,參與者以就業類型為主。


  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    With a changing economy, there is a social reorganization that has led to a loss in stable jobs and social networking in our labor force. As an increasing number of unemployment, temporary employment, and part time worker populations become a part of the labor force, its appearance fluctuate job stability in our society. This research will reassess the different labor status and their interactions with the society by using the concept of social exclusion.

    Data analyzed in this paper is collected by the research project "The Fundamental Investigation Project on Taiwan Social Changes" (third edition, fourth periodical) and conducted by Central Research Yuan. The secondary data analyzed is adopted to do empirical research on social exclusion in Taiwan, targeting labor force aged from 18 to 64 with description analysis and regression analysis. The research findings show that :

    I. Relationship:1. In terms of social interaction, the employed population has a better relational network than the long term unemployed population. Because there's a lack of social networking and human resources for the long term unemployed population, the chance of finding a job is also limited. 2. There are more opportunities for the employed population to interact with the society, making a shift into the mainstream an easier process for them. 3. The long term unemployed populations are more likely to suffer exclusion in areas of emotional network, instrumental network, and social interactions when compared to the other employment populations.

    II. Personal:1. The long term unemployed, under the influences of social labeling and self accusation, will believe themselves inferior to others. 2. The population with a stable job status believe themselves belonging to the comparatively higher position in the society. The next in line are the precarious employment, short term unemployment, and then long term unemployment populations. They believe themselves to be lower on the social ladder. 3. Even though the precariously employed are classified as a part of the employed population, they tend to feel that they have a very limited job satisfaction, similar to those of the short term unemployed.

    III. Associational participation: Low participation rate in organizational association is very widespread in Taiwan, therefore the rate of participation is not related to any specific groups or employment status. Because people in Taiwan do not believe in the importance of belonging to a specific organizational association, it is not related to the concept of exclusion.

    IV. Community:Community involvement is predominantly through acts of donating money to religious groups or charities. These acts of donation are mainly contributed by the employed population.

    Moreover, research shows that the stable employed populations have higher expectations from work because there is a sense of job security. On the other hand, because the precarious employed populations have uncertain factors such as salary and benefits, therefore lends to a more conservative outlook in terms of job expectation and security.