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(碩專班:華如玉) (指導教授:楊文山)


  • 研究生:華如玉
  • 論文名稱:台灣地區婚姻暴力家庭受虐兒童估計及其相關因素之研究
  • 指導教授:楊文山
  • 關鍵字:家庭暴力 ; 婚姻暴力 ; 目睹婚暴受虐兒童 ; 兒童受虐成因
  • [摘要]

    本研究主要是估計台灣地區18歲以下兒童青少年生活在父母婚姻暴力之情境下,及分析台灣社會家庭有兒童虐待的成因與處遇。從社會學習模式、生態系統模式的觀點,以量化資料作為對話分析的依據,說明在婚姻暴力家庭與兒童受虐成因的關聯性。本研究在研究架構上,結合微觀與鉅觀取向,在研究方法上,說明社會學習經驗變項及社會人口背景生態系統變項對於台灣兒童虐待的解釋力。在資料來源方面,以中研院社會所2001 年的「台灣地區社會變遷基本調查」的研究問卷(2)資料作為量化分析對象。




  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    The purpose of this research is to estimates the number of Taiwan under 18 years of age teenager Living in partenter-Violent Families and the child abuse factor . The source of this study is “Taiwan Social Change Survey”Data , which was conducted by Institute of Sociology Academia Sinica in 2001.

    According to the empirical research of “Taiwan Social Change Survey”Data(2001) , Examine for the past one year parents' occurrence threw violent conflict prevalence of the family body that the thing fights and once began with spouse occurrence to fight of marital life experience rate .and according to Father or mother the family body violent conflict prevalence estimate data, The region in Taiwan has more than 567,000 the children under 18 years of age teenager to live under the parents' domestic violence at least in 2001. Another because the youngest son turns of influence, if still have the life of children under 18 years of age teenager of more than 512,000 under the parents' domestic violence at least in 2006 with the same data.

    The research still discovered the marital violence and the child oppressively have the connection. And the society learns model and eco-system model to all suit to use to a child abuse of explaining the Taiwanese region. Be brought up the influence of experience while studying and finding that the parents bring up an attitude to deeply be subjected to a young child.

    Also find father's native place in the research in addition, and neighbor contacts situation, reside experience, class approbation and religion and faith of the physical confliction of the ground, family structure and domestic violence to the father now if the maltreatment child is related or not;Employment condition, reside ground, level of education, religion and faith now, and neighbor contacts situation then to mother whether the maltreatment child is related.