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(碩專班:楊儒源) (指導教授:張清富)

  • 研究生:楊儒源
  • 論文名稱:台灣地區族群的職業隔離及流動之探討
  • 指導教授:張清富
  • 關鍵字:社會流動 ; 代內流動 ; 代間流動 ; 職業隔離 ; 雙元勞動市場
  • [摘要]


  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    In the past, the studies of social mobility in Taiwan mainly relied on the measurement of prestige, paying more attention on individual mobility but less on the influence of generations, the difference between ethnicities and other constructive reasons, such as the degree of urbanization. In addition, those studies usually use the functionalist theory, neglecting to the conflict. In that case, the results of the relevant studies in the past revealed that the scale of social mobility was not large. As a result, I try to discuss the mobility and segregation of occupation between ethnicities of Taiwan through a different theory, the dual labor market theory, which is from a conflict viewpoint.

    This research based on the occupational data from the survey of “Taiwan Social Chang Survey: the Third Survey of the Fourth Cycle”, divided into primary and secondary labor market, analyzed by cross analysis and binary logistic regression. It was obviously discovered in Taiwan the phenomenon that status in occupational structure goes down to posterity among the Intergeneration and Intra-generation. And the proportion for the mainlanders in the primary labor market were higher than the Minnarn and Haka ethnic group, and the chance to obtain better occupational status is relatively high for the mainlanders, there were difference in occupational segregation and mobility among the ethnicities. Obviously the mainlanders had advantage in occupational status on the labor market of ethnicities. Besides, Women, relatively man, had low chance to flow upwards among intra-generation, but had advantage than man among intergeneration. Other such as the personal education degree, first job and work experience etc. did have certain influence to the occupational status, and urbanization intensity was not certain effect occupational Segregation on labor market , it was not seriously in urban and rural areas.