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(碩專班:蔡松本) (指導教授:侯崇文)

  • 研究生:蔡松本
  • 論文名稱:警民合作維護社區治安之研究-以宜蘭縣守望相助巡守工作為例
  • 指導教授:侯崇文
  • 關鍵字:社區警政、社區守望相助、社區治安、社區聯防體系、社區治安會議、社區犯罪預防、社會解組、情境犯罪預
  • [摘要]





  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    The goal of this study is to construct an infrastructure ofcommunity cooperation and security system. By means of process and result of interview, we try to understand the need of the residents and the problems while the police suffer from counsel the residents to

    establish their own community patrol squads.

    From the beginning, central government encourage all local governments to carry out the policy of community patrol squad in a common sense, that police manpower is limited. The study includes chapters of research background, research motivation, research destination, survey planning, and data analysis to explain the effects of community squads. This study also examines the organization and function of community squad from executive and legislative dimensions. The writer analyzes the relationship between police officers and members of patrol squads, and does fact-finding by survey interview and checks governmental records, taking principally qualitative method and using a second method of qualitative.

    This thesis discusses the function and acknowledgement of “ Watch, defend and help “ community patrol squad’s performance in the case of Yilan County. Although, the enthusiastic volunteers to participate the patrol squads might have their own regional characters and influenced by local elections, the performance of patrol squads could help improving public security, crisis assistance, and protecting elder and child in the community. The main way of this study is qualitative research. Interviews with the police, the member of community patrol squads and the residents are conducted. The content of questions focus on the way of dealing with something emergent, the limits of relative equipment and so on.