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(碩專班:張淑玲) (指導教授:沈幼蓀)


  • 研究生:張淑玲
  • 論文名稱:台灣地區個人社經地位與健康行為、自評健康之研究
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵字:自評健康、健康行為、社經地位、成癮行為
  • [摘要]


  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    Due to multicultural effect and civilization, people's health is increasingly influenced by external factors. In the past, the issue of what affected individual health status was explored in terms of public sanitation. However, the influence of social factors on one's health should not be ignored. Among the various social factors, one's socio-economic status is one of the most important ones. That is, one's socio-economic status can make a difference on one's health. This thesis investigates the different health behaviors of people of different socio-economic statuses. It also aims to explore how one deems his/her health status after certain health behavior is practiced as well as whether the health behavior can influence one's self-evaluation of health. If yes, what is the degree of the influence? Above all, this thesis measures the degree of the influence of one's socio-economic status on one's self-evaluation of health so as to shed light on how one's educational background, profession, and family income affect one's self-evaluation of health and to clarify the different degrees of influence of socio-economic status and health behavior on one's self-evaluation of health. This thesis concludes that when people evaluate their health statuses, their judgments may either be based on their health behaviors or be influenced by their socio-economic statuses. The findings of this thesis are as follows: 1.One's socio-economic status has influence on one's health behavior: whether an individual exercises regularly, has regular physical checkups, smokes, chews betel nuts is positively related to one's educational background, profession, and household income. 2.Comparing the influence of one's health behavior with that of socio-economic status on one's self-evaluation of health, it is found that one's health behavior doesn't have a stable influence on one's self-evaluation of health. It is one's socio-economic status that has more direct and stable influence on one's self-evaluation of health.