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(碩士班:吳瑞巧) (指導教授:楊文山)


  • 研究生:吳瑞巧
  • 論文名稱:比較國小學童獨生子女與非獨生子女社會化結果之差異
  • 指導教授:楊文山
  • 關鍵字:獨生子女 人格特質 自我概念 ; 社會化 ; 外向性行為
  • [摘要]



  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    The main purpose of this study is to analyse the outcomes of socialization and influence on the only-child at early-stage of social networks short of affinity with siblings, later in primary education system.With understanding the advantages and disadvantages of being "only-child" in family and with comparasion of other similiar studies internationally, we respect to further involve in the discussion of the only-child social problem in Taiwan

    In this study we found three dimensions of development in the process of socialization to the "only-child" and the "non only-child". First, there is no significant difference between the two. Second, there was little obvious difference between the two at early stage in family, however there has been more and more significant differences between the two with the environmental and aged progress. The "only-child" faces the disadvantage to become socialized.Third, the difference at early-stage in family between the two does exist a few but will converge with time, finally come to the equivalently developmental status.

    The outcome of our study is partially different compared to the studies in the U.S. and the Mainland China. The "only-child" is not apparent to show their dominancy on academic achiements and self-care capabilities for daily life. Upon the aspect of personal characters, no statistically significant outcome of the personality traits of virtue is found , except the apparent behaviors which are not found appropriate for the "only-child" during the process of socialization.