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(碩士班:蔡玲音) (指導教授:蔡明璋)

  • 研究生:蔡玲音
  • 論文名稱:組織經驗、工作滿意度及組織認同之關聯性研究—以外交領事人員為例
  • 指導教授:蔡明璋
  • 關鍵字:外交領事人員 ; 組織經驗 ; 工作滿意度 ; 組織認同
  • [摘要]



  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships among organizational experience, job satisfaction and organizational identification. This research uses data from a probability sampling survey conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in October 2004 with four hundreds and twenty-eight respondents, who currently are diplomatic and consular officials. Regression techniques were used for modeling organizational identification on the hypothesized factors.

    The major findings of this study are as follows.

    1.The diplomatic and consular officials have higher job satisfaction and organizational identification when their work assignment was based on their language and professional skills.

    2.The respondents' job satisfaction and organizational identification can be attributed to their experience of reasonable promotion, position transfer, and united command.

    3.The diplomatic and consular officials who have been assigned as expatriates abroad had higher job satisfaction and organizational identification.