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(碩專班:邱美琪) (指導教授:沈幼蓀)


  • 研究生:邱美琪
  • 論文名稱:台灣一般民眾選擇長期照護態度之探討
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵字:長期照護、態度、台灣、一般民眾
  • [摘要]

    隨著醫療體系與科技的進步,台灣於82年9月65歲以上的老年人口佔總人口的7.1%,正式跨入高齡化社會。 人口快速老化與社會變遷造成高齡化社會的老人問題,加上慢性疾病的盛行,一般民眾年老或身體不好時,未能獲得良好的諮詢及支持資源,故本研究的目的希望能瞭解民眾選擇長期照護態度的情形及可能影響民眾選擇長期照護類型的相關因素,進而依據研究結果研擬建議提供未來長期照顧服務政策之參考。


    本研究發現有超過五成民眾傾向選擇居家式照護類型、支持在地老化的觀念趨勢,有兩成民眾不知道未來的照護方式要如何安排。 影響民眾選擇長期照護的態度,除了性別因素外,年齡、父親籍貫、宗教信仰、婚姻狀況、教育程度、全家每月平均收入、城鄉居住別、職位與就業等項都呈現相關性。 年齡愈大、小學教育程度、全家每月收入三萬以下及居住鄉村者,最贊同居家式照護; 父親籍貫為大陸各省市、未婚、大專以上教育程度、全家每月平均收入大於十萬以上、居住大都會區與有職業者,較贊同機構式照護類型; 小於29歲者較贊同社區式照護類型。

    由研究結果瞭解到政府的制度必須周延有效益,民眾才能獲得最期望的照顧服務。故建議開辦國民年金、改善全民健保制度及規劃長期照護保險,落實使用者付費的觀念,推廣居家、社區服務,控制機構式服務的使用,建構有執行魄力的跨部會單位及個案管理制度。 另外政府宜宣導高齡化社會的到來,提早規劃老人人力資源的運用,加強父母與子女的互動,學校、社會風氣的倡導,使長期照顧制度更完善。

  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    Along with the advancement of healthcare system and technology, Taiwan formally became an old-age society in September 1993, as the cohort of sixty-five years or older reached 7.1% of the total population. Coupled with the aging population and social change are the problems associated with senior citizens. Also, there are various chronic diseases prevailing in Taiwan. The general public may not have received good advices and sufficient supports as they get old or get sick. The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the general public's attitude toward the long-term care systems in Taiwan as well as the factors affecting their choice of systems. The results of this study will shed insights and provide suggestions for policy-makers to improve the future long-term care services.

    Long-term care is not just a nursing or medical issue. It also covers the social and psychological aspects in providing people with independence and dignity of living. Therefore, this research aims first at exploring the issues of social care for senior citizens and the development of long-term care systems in Taiwan. It also addresses issues such as aging process at home, de-institutionalization of long-term care services, etc. Based on the data from the Second Term of the Fourth Period of “Fundamental Investigation Project on Taiwan Social Change” conducted by the Institute of Sociology Academia Sinica, we use quantitative and statistical analyses to study the aforementioned issues.

    The study finds that over fifty percent of the people studied are in favor of home-based care and support the concept of completing the aging process at home. Twenty percent of them are uncertain about what arrangement to have for their future care. The factors which affect people's attitudes toward long-term care include: sex, father's birth place, marital status, education, monthly household income, location of residence (e.g., city vs. countryside), job positions and employment status. It is found that those with older age, elementary-school education, monthly household income below NT$30,000 and living in countryside are in favor of home-based care. Those with father's birth place in China, single, at least college education, employed with monthly household income greater than NT$100,000 and living in metropolitan area are in favor of institutional care. Those younger than 29 years old are in favor of community-based care systems.

    The research findings suggest that, for the general public to receive their most desired care and services, the government needs to have a comprehensive and effective policy on long-term care in place. Specifically, we suggest that the government set up a national pension system, improve the national health insurance system, develop a long-term care insurance system, actualize the user-pays-for-service principle, promote home-based and community-based cares, exert control over the use of institutional services, and establish a strong cross-department administrative unit and care management systems.

    Furthermore, the government should educate the public concerning the coming of an aging society, develop as soon as possible a well-conceived plan for the utilization of the senior citizens as valuable human resources, strengthen and encourage the between-generation interactions, promote the long-term care concepts through schools and society as a whole so that the long-term care systems can be perfected.