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(碩專班:廖惟秀) (指導教授:王雅各)

  • 研究生:廖惟秀
  • 論文名稱:現今卡持卡人的消費理念與消費行為之性別差異研究
  • 指導教授:王雅各
  • 關鍵字:現金卡、性別
  • [摘要]




  • [英文摘要 ]

    This research attempts to distinguish the gender differences of cash card using. A very recent phenomena yet arous many controversial discussions,cash card has emerging as the newest version of plastic money. In contrast to the traditional credit card, which aimed at consume now,pay later, cash card possesses the function of obtaining money (cash) to purchase other commodities. I hypothesize that since women have different values ( and ideas) about money, they will have distinctive ways of applying and using cash card.

    Adopting content analysis and in-depth interview, this study indicates, that there does exist gender differences concering the cash card phenomena. Applying pattern, credit line, spending, payment plan, and the value of cash card all have different meanings to women (and men).Analysis alse confirm some of Simmel's ideas (as in “The Philosophy of Money”) and Baudrillard's claim that people and “things” have very different relationships in the post modern era.

    In all, we find, in this paper, that women and man are brought up in distinct ways. Be that the socialization on what money means, how to spend, why, and what was the purposes of using money (mainly to exchange things) are all gender specific. As a result, both sexes demonstrate their own ways in applying, using, spending, paying and relating to cash card. And all these, ultimately are because that women and men have different values on money.