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(碩專班:趙文德) (指導教授:林桂綉)

  • 研究生:趙文德
  • 論文名稱:父母教養類型的一致性與國中生心理健康的關連性分析
  • 指導教授:林桂綉
  • 關鍵字:父母教養 ; 教養類型 ; 一致性 ; 憂鬱
  • [摘要]


  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    In regard to all the literatures documents on the subject of parenting published in Taiwan, there are relatively few papers which are focusing on the inconsistency of parenting styles between parents. Even among these few papers, they are devoted only on the inconsistency of parents'''' behaviors, but not on whether the parenting styles are consistent or not.

    In this paper , I focused on the coordination of various styles of parenting, and further discussing its impact on the levels of depression of the junior high school students. The research models are based on Professor Wu Chi-In''''s "The Causes of Teenagers'''' Drug Abuse: A Social Study Model." The styles of parenting in this research are derived from Moccoby and Martin''''s classification, and divided it into four types which are matched with parents'''' styles of parenting and become eight groups . They are: authoritative-authoritative group, authoritarian-authoritarian group, indulgent-indulgent group, uninvolved-uninvolved group, traditional parenting group, roles-exchange group, high responsive-consistent group, and low responsive-inconsistent group. The students who have the much depression are from groups of authoritarian-authoritarian group, traditional parenting group and low responsive-inconsistent group; and those who have less depression are from authoritative-authoritative group.

    According to the results of the research, the high level of consistent of parenting styles in a family does not decrease the depression of their children. When both parents belong to the authoritarian-authoritarian group, on the contrary, their children have much depression. When both parents belong to the high responsive group, the level of consistency of parents does not have any significant influence on their children.

    However, when both parents belong to the low responsive group, the inconsistency of parenting styles can increase the depression of their children. Therefore, the author believes that whether parents provide their children with enough warmth and positive responsive could be the major factor contributing to their kids'''' levels of depression. The children''''s levels of depression can be improved if their parents provide them with enough warmth and care.