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(碩士班:許愷洋) (指導教授:郭文般)


  • 研究生: 許愷洋
  • 論文名稱: 台灣宗教徒之信仰跨界現象
  • 指導教授:郭文般
  • 關鍵字: 信仰跨界、世俗化、理念型分析、中國宗教文化傳統
  • 台灣制度性宗教,其信徒相較於其他信仰者較不易有信仰跨界的現象,但此現象僅發現於基督宗教徒中,佛教雖為制度性宗教,但其信徒之信仰跨界程度明顯高於基督宗教徒。源自於中國傳統之擴散性宗教(民間信仰、道教)或與中國文化有高度內在親和性之佛教,其信徒相較於基督宗教徒都有更高的信仰跨界傾向。



  • The institutional religion believer is less religious cross-border tendency than other religion believers in Taiwan. But this phenomenon exist only in Christianity, not in Buddhism. Although Buddhism is one of institutional religions, but their believers have more religious cross-border tendency than Christianity. The Chinese diffused religion (folk religions, Taoism), their believers have more religious cross-border tendency than Christianity.

    The secularization has significant effect with people’s religious cross-border, but the effect is not as expected. The research hypothesis is secularization increase religious cross-border tendency, but we found the secularization will decrease religious cross-border tendency. With education year increase, people will not to cross-border in religion. In the other words, with reasoning increase, people will know where are their believer border.

    Since the May Fourth Movement, modern education means conflict with Chinese tradition culture value, but this is not means that the effect of both can’t exist at the same time. After we control secularization effect, we found one’s Chinese tradition culture level will increase one’s religious cross-border tendency, and it is not to decrease explanation of Secularization.