- 研究生: 陳奕廷
- 論文名稱: 胖瘦之爭,誰是贏家?青少年體型對學業成就之影響
- 指導教授: 陳婉琪
- 關鍵字: 肥胖、過瘦、學業成就、性別差異、中介效果
本研究使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS)進行分析,來探討在青少年時期(高中職、五專階段)的體型對學業成績是否有影響,以及其中的影響機制。分析結果顯示:(1)肥胖對於學業成就有負面的影響,肥胖的女生和男生在學業成就上都有較差的表現,肥胖的影響力並無性別差異;(2)以女生來說,肥胖會透過家庭因素和學校因素對成績產生影響,而對於男生來說,除了自制力和家長教育投資外,其他皆不是肥胖影響學業成就的中介變項,顯示肥胖影響機制有性別差異,肥胖女生在家中和學校可能受到更多的歧視,而使她們有不好的學業成就;(3)肥胖的影響力有隨時間增強的傾向,說明現代社會對體型的要求更加嚴格,再加上台灣社會的特殊風潮,可能使肥胖者在社會環境中受到的歧視增加了,而影響他們在學業上的表現;(4)過瘦對學業成就的影響雖然看似負面,不過在研究中表現出不穩定的狀況,可能是因為社會對於體型的不同要求隨著時間有所變動,而導致在不同時期過瘦可能對男生或女生有不同的影響力。
Weight status is a health condition, but its consequences extend far beyond the realm of health. To illuminate an important route by which the experience of weight status can filter into the status attainment process. This study uses TEPS(Taiwan Education Panel Survey) to explore whether weight status(underweight or obesity) is a possible effect on adolescent's academic performance? and why weight status could affect adolescent's academic performance? The sample which we used is the student who had studied in senior high school, vocational high school and 5-Year Junior College.
Results show that (1) Obesity has a negative impact on academic performance, obese girls and boys both have poor academic performance at school, the negative influence of obesity has no gender difference. (2) Obese girls may have poor academic performance through some family and school factors, such as lower parental educational expectations, the bias and discrimination by peers and teachers. The family and school are two sphere where obese people also may be vulnerable to discriminatory attitudes and fat bias. (3) The negative influence of obesity by adolescent appears to have increased from 2003 to 2007, that may explain the requirements of the body become more stringent, stigmatization of obesity also increase. (4) The influence of underweight on academic performance is not stable, we need more data or information to analysis the "underweight effect".