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(碩士班:黃孟雯) (指導教授:趙彥寧)


  • 研究生: 黃孟雯
  • 論文名稱: 藝術作為社會行動實踐的模型︰以鄭淑麗的派樂西王國為例
  • 指導教授: 趙彥寧
  • 關鍵字: 新自由主義、禮物經濟、新媒體藝術、盜版、共享
  • 在新自由主義主導下的現代世界,全球化資本主義所帶來的負面效應漸漸浮上檯面。全球公民開始注意這些負面效應對人類社會的影響,集體動員產生了反全球化運動抵制/抗衡全球資本主義的霸權。當代藝術家也開始將這股全球公民社會的行動力量注入及反映在作品中。



  • The negative effects of neo-liberalist globalized capitalism on the modern world are gradually emerging. Globally minded citizens have begun to pay attention to these effects on human society and have mobilized collectively and organized the anti-globalization movement to resist the hegemony of global capitalism. Contemporary artists have also begun to participate in and empower this global civil society and this has been reflected in their works.

    This paper analyses the net-art of Shu Lea Cheang entitled "Kingdom of Piracy", a series of works from 2001-2006 and discusses how Cheang combined the concepts of movement and art to make art a model for social action. Cheang attempted to critique / satirize / resist neo-liberalism using the strategic topic of “piracy” and through the art research and reflect upon the piracy that lies inherently behind economic and political interests. Under the globalized capitalism of neo-liberalism, the internet has become yet another resource for capital to monopolize and therewith gain control over new global technologies and knowledge. In resistance to this, an internet community has emerged, which exchanges goods according to a gift economy. In the hi-tech gift economy, the commons of social interaction are platforms of self-organization. "Kingdom of Piracy" focused on testing the rules for creating such self-organization, using art as the means to test its structure and thereby determine how to implement collective expression as its common purpose. This art expressed the ideals of a global civil society within the context of globalization because the practice of freedom and democracy is critical to the attainment of such ideals.

    When the ideals of such artists align with the actions of the civil society, an organized movement can only form if this art is brought into standard forms of expression and particularly into art galleries. The artist needs to think deeply about this existing art system while practicing this type of art, because the specifics of the art form such as the type of exhibition, the target audience, and the resources obtained, for example, will be key factors determining how the concept and the art works fare in practice. These concerns are one of the focuses of research in the sociology of art.