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(碩士班:陳嵩明) (指導教授:黃樹仁)


  • 研究生: 陳嵩明
  • 論文名稱: 清代台灣界外武力拓墾:噶瑪蘭、水沙連、與竹塹東南山區之比較研究
  • 指導教授: 黃樹仁
  • 關鍵字: 清代台灣、武力拓墾、武裝拓墾、土牛界、生番、鹿場、番界政策、噶瑪蘭、吳沙、郭百年、陳大用、姜秀鑾、金廣福
  • 清代明文禁止臺灣漢人越界侵墾生番地界,以免引發生番出草。但晚清臺灣卻發生三起漢人大規模武力拓墾生番地界的事件。這三起發生在番界外的武裝拓墾行動,非常明顯地違背了朝廷一貫的禁令。然而,在金廣福的個案裡,地方官員卻許可、資助該地的拓墾行動;在噶瑪蘭的個案裡,地方官員則採取消極默許的態度;而在水沙連的案例中,地方官最初允許郭百年等人的行動,但後來,清廷的高層官員仍堅持封禁該地。




  • To avoid conflict with the aboriginals not yet submitted to the state, Qing government generally forbad Han Chinese in Taiwan from encroaching their land. Yet during the late Qing there were three incidences of large-scale armed settlement by Han Chinese in the off-limit land. These armed settlements were all illegal. Yet the armed settlers of Jinguanfu were actually sanctioned and aided by the local authority throughout the process, while the settlers of Kavalan were barely acquiesced throughout, and the settlers of Suishalien were initially sanctioned by local officials but were eventually expelled by the higher authority.

    Why these outright illegal large-scale armed settlements were tolerated and even sanctioned by local authority in beginning? Why their eventual outcomes varied so starkly?

    Previous studies argue that the sanction of illegal settlement by local authority could be explained by population pressure and the official-gentry common interest. But such arguments could not explain the varied outcomes of three cited incidences.

    This thesis argues that, while population pressure and official-gentry common interest explain the willingness of certain local officials in tolerating illegal armed settlement, the variance in the eventual outcome of the three incidences is to be explained by the level of geographic isolation of the new settlement and its effects on security concern as well as the time it took for higher authority to confront the issue. Jinguanfu was merely a short distance from the prefect seat and relatively easy to pacify in case of trouble. Kavalan was remote and hard to control. But is was so isolated that the high officials did not realize the scale of settlement and its security risk until it was impossible to expel the enormous number of settlers without provoking an immediate rebellion. Suishalien was remote and hard to control, yet close enough to regular route of military inspection that the high officials promptly confronted the encroachment and expelled the still relatively small number of settlers out of security concern.