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(碩士班林珮珊) (指導教授:沈幼蓀)


  • 研究生:  林珮珊
  • 論文名稱: 網路論壇中的強暴討論串分析─以PTT的女性版為例
  • 指導教授: 沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵字:   網路論壇、BBS、強暴迷思、性別暴力
  • 過去已經有許多女性主義的研究指出:強暴迷思作為一種意識形態,它導致社會上有許多人會將強暴受害人視為是有罪的一方。而過去的研究也指出許多傳統的大眾傳播媒體,包括:報章雜誌、電視新聞、電影與電視劇常常會傳遞一些與強暴有關的錯誤觀念,讓既有的強暴迷思更加鞏固。然而目前台灣幾乎沒有針對新媒介(BBS)上出現的強暴迷思進行研究,所以本研究的目的在於探究在網路論壇中網友們是如何地想像強暴事件。目前全台灣最大的BBS站是PTT,本研究以PTT裡面的女性性版作為觀察的田野,篩選出與性暴力議題有關的討論串,再利用內容分析法分析網友們的言論,藉此來瞭解網友們是如何討論、想像強暴事件。研究結果發現,網路上對於受害人的基本檢視標準有三個:愛情、預防、抵抗。如果受害人與加害人之間的關係帶有愛情的成份在,如果這起強暴事件讓網友覺得那是受害人可以事先預防的,或受害人在事發當時沒有做積極抵抗,那麼網友就會傾向責備受害人或是懷疑其受暴宣稱的真實性。因此網路論壇中,不隨便跟男人搞曖昧、與異性相處時懂得拿捏分寸、較有防人之心的受害人,以及在兒童時期曾經遭到性侵害的受害人很容易得到網友們一面倒的同情與支持。在網路論壇中,「好女孩或兒童也會被強暴」的反迷思觀念與既有的強暴迷思形成了辯證關係,並且間接地強化了既有的強暴迷思。
  • Many feminist researches has pointed out that rape myth often served as ideological frame that allow people to consider the victims of rape are guilty of their own (mis)behaviors. Most studies indicate that rape myth is further reinforced by traditional mass media (such as popular magazines, movies, TV series and news reports), without consideration on the emerging new media format-BBS. This study is an attempt to fill the gap. Discussion of rape cases from 2007 to2009 were collected from ‘‘feminine-sex bulletin board’’ in PTT (the most popular BBS site in Taiwan) as our main data base. Analysis of these discussions shows that there are three gendered values were used to evaluate the victims on BBS: Love, Prevention, and Resistance. If the relation between victim and her involved love, or the rape event was considered can be prevented by victim in advance, or even victim did not resist violently to the rape, then the users of PTT would tend to blame the victim or doubt the truthfulness of the rape. If victim who never flirt with men, or she is more self-protective, or she had suffered rape in her childhood, those kinds of victims are much more easily to be supported and sympathized by users of PTT. The idea that ``children and the more self- protective females who don’t flirt with men may suffer rape” dialectically reinforce the existing rape myth.