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(碩士班:張光中) (指導教授:郭文般)


  • 研究生:  張光中
  • 論文名稱: 公共宗教的可能性:一個微觀層次的分析
  • 指導教授: 郭文般
  • 關鍵字:  世俗化、私人化宗教、公共宗教
  • 在近代晚期的社會中,宗教在公共領域中重新出現的現象日益為學者們所重視。本文主要從個人層次出發,審視宗教在台灣社會中所扮演的角色,並試圖評估台灣社會中個人的信仰,可能對公共宗教產生正面或負面的作用。基於對世俗化、宗教私人化和公共宗教等相關理論與研究的回顧與討論,本研究整合出一個路徑分析的迴歸模型,並以中研院社會變遷調查計畫的資料,嘗試回答這些問題。



  • In the lately modern world, some scholars pay more attention on religion re-appearing in the public sphere. This research proceeds from individual level to examine the role of religion in Taiwan. Also the research tries to assess personal faith would result in positive or negative functions on the public religion. The literature review is based on the theories of Secularization, Privatization of Religion, Public Religions. The research uses the quantitative data of Taiwan Social Change Survey from Academia Sinica and concludes a regression path model.

    The results of study show that privatization on Taiwanese's religious belief is powerful. The affection of religion doesn’t make differences between believers and non-believers on public social life, but the affection only appears on the part of personal field. On the other hand, pious persons and people who have religious belief apparently have more “public-religiousity” than others. The result shows that the development of public religious might have already had certain micro foundations in Taiwan.

    However, because of the limitations of data, the research is unable to analyze the incongruous part between privatizated belief and personal public-religiousity. The preliminary conclusion of the research: Although the pious believers have strong public-religiousity, the privatization of general characteristic on religious belief may suppress the development of public religious; nevertheless precise conclusions will need further research in the future.

    key words: Secularization、Privatization of Religion、Public Religion