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(碩士班:溫郁文) (指導教授:陳婉琪)


  • 研究生: 溫郁文
  • 論文名稱: 講啥米話咁無要緊?─語言資本對族群間職業取得差異的影響
  • 指導教授: 陳婉琪
  • 關鍵字: 語言資本、職業取得、族群、公部門、中小企業主
  • 在台灣,中文為官方正式語言,因此國語能力被視為一種語言資本,有利於職業地位的取得。而數種台灣常用語言的流利程度,又與族群高度相關。當既有文獻探討教育成就或職業地位取得的族群差異時,經常將控制基本家庭背景變項之後所得的族群淨效應歸因於語言資本的差異。但要證明語言資本的影響,由於適用資料極少,除了蔡淑鈴(2001)的論文之外,幾乎沒有其他文獻能夠深入探討語言資本於職業取得之族群差異所扮演的角色。國語能力究竟在職業取得上扮演什麼樣的角色?此外,其他語言能力是否也可被稱為語言資本,具有任何優勢?

    「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(TEPS)涵蓋數種語言流利程度之豐富資訊,本研究利用這份資料庫的獨特性,並採用多元邏輯迴歸分析,來探索語言資本於職業地位取得所扮演的角色,得到以下幾項結論:(1) 閩南族群的平均國語能力顯著低於其他族群;外省族群的英語能力高於其他族群。而在控制了國語及英語流利程度之後,外省與閩南族群之間,不再存有顯著的職業取得差異;(2) 比較客家與閩南族群之間的職業取得,之所以整體來說不存在差異,是因為客家人平均來說較佳的國語能力;(3) 對低學歷者來說,是否謀得公部門職位,語言資本扮演重要角色;但即使在相同語言能力的條件之下,外省族群仍具有顯著較大的機會進入公部門;(4) 客家及外省人成為小雇主的機會都比閩南人來得低,但閩南語能力是解釋閩南族群之小頭家優勢的主因;外省、客家人一旦掌握閩南語,脫離自營或受雇身份、成為小頭家的機會並無差異;(5) 一旦考慮到亟需人脈的「大雇主」身份,國語及閩南語都具有顯著正面影響,都成為累積社會資本的利器;(6) 不論國語、閩南語或英語,每一種都對家庭收入具有顯著的影響力。


  • In Taiwan, Mandarin is official language, so Mandarin is regarded as a language capital advantage of occupational achievement. Many common-used linguistic proficiency is highly correlated with ethnicity. Literature with relevance to the education achievement or the professional status caused by ethnic difference, will frequently attribute the ethnic net effect to the difference of language capital after controlling the basic family background variable. However, because suitable materials with the proof of the influence of language capital is rare except Tsai’s paper (2001), nearly no other literature thoroughly discusses the role of language capital in occupational achievements caused by ethnic difference. What role does the official language ability play in occupational achievements? In addition, does other language abilities can also be called language capital? Does it have any superiority?

    Taiwan Education panel survey (TEPS) has rich information about several languages’ proficiency, and this research uses this specific database, and then decide to use multicategory logit regression analysis to explore the role of language capital in professional status achievements. We obtains the following conclusions: (1)the Minnan ethnic group’s average official language ability is apparently worse than other ethnic groups; the provincial ethnic group’s English ability is better than other ethnic groups. But, after controlling the official language and English fluency, the difference of occupational achievements between the provincial and the Minnan ethnic group no longer exits; (2) the difference of occupational achievements between the Hakka and Minnan ethnic group does not exit, because the Hakka’s average official language ability is better; (3)language capital has great influence to lower education persons who want to find a job in the public sector; but even with the same language ability, the provincial ethnic group still has a bigger opportunity to enter the public sector; (4) compared with the Minnan ethnic group, the Hakka and the provincial ethnic group has less opportunity to become the small employer, so the Minnan language ability will be the principal factor to explain why they have the advantage to become the small boss; once the provincial and the Hakka ethnic group no longer employed can speak the Minnan language, they also have the same opportunity to become the small boss; (5) the official language and Minnan language ability all have the positive influence for "the big employer" who does need a good business connection (social network), and they become good instruments for the accumulation of social capital; (6)the official language, the Minnan language or English all have significant influence to the household income.