

首頁 > 學生表現 > 三鶯研究>歷屆碩士班論文

(碩士班:石友馨) (指導教授:林桂綉)

  • 研究生:  石友馨
  • 論文名稱:家庭教養行為、社區鄰里與自我概念對青少年偏差行為的影響
  • 指導教授:林桂綉
  • 關鍵字:   教養行為、集體效能、自我概念、偏差行為
  • 本研究使用吳齊殷教授所主持的「青少年藥物濫用之起因:一個社會學習模型」第五年(2001年)的計畫資料數據作分析,研究對象為台北市高中二年級學生。本文主要探討家庭教養行為(包括父母監控與一致教養)與社區鄰里關係(集體效能)對青少年偏差行為之直接影響,以及透過自我概念所可能產生之間接影響。從二元邏輯迴歸分析中發現:父母監控對青少年偏差行為達統計顯著之直接影響,而家庭教養行為兩變項皆可以透過自我概念達到間接影響;社區鄰里關係的部分,鄰居間集體效能的提高將可以負向影響青少年偏差行為,並可以透過自我概念進而對偏差行為達到統計顯著影響。整體來說,本研究結果顯示,在探討青少年偏差行為時,除了教養行為外,也應考慮社區鄰里關係,以及自我概念的中介角色。
  • This research used the fifth year (in 2001) data from "The Etiology of Adolescent's Drug Abuse: A Social Learning Model" Project. The main aim of this paper is to examine how self-concept accounts mediates the effect between parenting behavior(included monitoring and consistent discipline)and neighborhood factors(collective efficacy)and risk for delinquency. In this study, I used data from a longitudinal study of Taipei youth to address this issue. Based on the logistic regression analysis, monitoring and collective efficacy influenced delinquency both directly and indirectly through self-concept. Consistent discipline influence delinquency indirectly, not directly. Overall, this investigation demonstrated that research into delinquency should consider parenting behavior, neighborhood factors, and the mediating role of self-concept.