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(碩士班:劉依依) (指導教授:王雅各)

  • 研究生: 劉依依
  • 論文名稱: 從《嬰兒與母親》雜誌看父職角色的再現
  • 指導教授: 王雅各
  • 關鍵字: 《嬰兒與母親》雜誌、準父親、父親、父職角色、父職參與





Recently years have seen increased attention being given to fatherhood, and the popularity of the mass media in nowadays, media is one of the accesses to men to learn how to do fathers. Therefore, it is necessary to research media how to present expectant father and father's fatherhood.
The majority of research in fatherhood has focused on the importance and situation of fatherhood. However, few studies have been done on the accesses to learn how to raise baby. Therefore, the aim of this study attempts to explore the gender perspective and paternal involvement in raise baby magazine.And if the magazine offer the perspective of gender equlity.

This research uses content analysis and adopt feminist viewpoint. I choose “Baby and Mother” as research subject, from the first issue in September 1976 to September 2006.It amounts to 30 years magazines.

Results of this study showed magazine increases the reports of expectant father and father act caregivers for 30 years. But it stills based on the perspective of patriarchy. Magazine’s reports only present knowledge’s progress and openness, but paternal involvement is conservative. To conclude, this study may be of importance in creating the fatherhood perspective, as well as in providing the “Baby and Mother” with a better understanding of how to present the articles about fatherhood.