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(碩士班:邱喬玉) (指導教授:沈幼蓀)


  • 研究生:邱喬玉
  • 論文名稱:後工業的來臨:台灣服務經濟的性別就業差異
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵字:性別職業區隔、性別就業差異、性別不平等
  • [摘要]

    服務業大量興起的今日,創造出了許多新的工作機會,勞動力市場的需求也有了改變,也讓勞動力市場的性別組成有不同的面貌。此改變是否還有女性特別集中於某些行業的情形?工作的分配是更公平、更具能力導向的嗎,或是延續雙元勞動市場(dual labor market theory)的論點,女性不會因為進入勞動市場的機會增加而提升其工作地位,依舊為次級市場勞動力(secondary labour market)。女性與男性在職業上的分工是否還是以男性從事專業及管理方面職務,而女性從事事務及輔佐方面的職務,還是會因為彈性工作讓工作的自主性提高,而減少了性別分工上的差異?以及服務業就業者從業身分的改變為何,此種改變又代表著什麼意義。而各行職業女性薪資變化的趨勢是否與兩性就業分佈趨於平等或不平等有同樣的方向,也就是說男性與女性是否有因行職業性別區隔(occupational segregation between sex)的縮小或擴大而減緩或增加與男性薪資的差異,擁擠理論(crowded theoty)認為,兩性就業者在女性化行職業的薪資水準會低於非女性化行職業,且此不利的狀況對於男性就業者的影響較女性為嚴重,那麼對於兩性薪資差異的情形影響又為何?故本研究使用人力資源調查(cross-sectional human resource survey)資料,對服務業做長期的趨勢研究(cross-sectional),探討兩性就業分佈及薪資差異有何影響。研究結果發現,台灣的服務業有「女性就業基層白領化」的現象。台灣服務業增加的女性就業人口大多集中於女性化工作,而相較於男性,女性有就業兩極化的現象。女性化行業兩性的薪資差異相較於非女性化行業的差距而言,差異並無較大的情形,且各行業性別區隔的增加或趨緩會影響其兩性薪資差異的變化。女性就業者分佈較少且技能層級為高的男性化職業,其兩性薪資差距最小;而女性就業者分佈較少且技能層級為低的男性化職業,其兩性薪資差異最大。而性別職業區隔減少的非女性化的職業,其兩性薪資差異也會縮小,但在女性化職業中,性別職業區隔的變化與兩性薪資的差異較無一致性的變化。

  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    The rapid arise of the service industry needs lead to more working opportunities, changes of the needs

    in the labour market. As well as, brings the society a different sex combination in different occupation in the labour market. Are the women still seemed to work in some particular occupation after the changes?

    Are these changes enhance the women to be more valuable at the workplace or still be placed to work in the secondary labour market? Do the men still have more opportunities than the women to perform the professional works? Do the women receive the same salary as the men do when they perform the same job? Does the unequal salary between men and women affect by the occupational segregation between sexes?The Crowded Theory believes that the average salary of the feminine dominated occupation is usually lower than the male dominated occupation. A male employee is usually affected by the phenomenon the most than a woman who works in the same feminine workforce.

    The aim of the research is to find out the impacts of the job allocation and salary difference between the female and the male at different workplace such as male or feminine dominated work. Examine the Service Industry by using the cross-sectional human resource survey data.The research result shows that the Taiwanese Services Industry tends to have a “Female usually work in the White collar level” phenomenon. These women are mostly to work in the feminine workforce. The salary difference between sexes of the feminie occupation is not much different compares to the non-feminie occupation.

    The Salary difference between sexes has less impact on the women who perform higher skill jobs in the dominant industry and the ones who do the dominant type of works. However, the female workers in the more dominant industry seem to have the larger scales of salary difference between sexes. In conclusion, the decrease or increase of the occupational segregation between sexes of the non-feminine dominated occupation is more like to reduce the salary difference between sexes. As well as, the changes of occupational segregation between sexes and the salary difference between sexes does not necessarily move consistently with each other.