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2024. "Contested Sinicization in the Tianxia All-Under-Heaven: Civilization Envy in Vietnam’s “Principal Graduates of the Two Kingdoms” Literary Trope, the 15th Century to the Present," American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 68, no. 3.

2022. “Academic Dependency Theory and the Politics of Agency in Area Studies: The Case of Anglophone Vietnamese Studies, from the 1960s to the 2010s,” Journal of Historical Sociology 35(1): 37–54. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/johs.12363

2021. “Constructing Vietnam, Constructing China: Chinese Scholarship on Vietnam from the Late Nineteenth Century until the Present,” Journal of Vietnamese Studies 16(1): 90–131. https://online.ucpress.edu/jvs/article-abstract/16/1/90/116269/Constructing-Vietnam-Constructing-ChinaChinese?redirectedFrom=fulltext

2017. "Spatializing Enlightened Civilization in the Era of Translating Vernacular Modernity: Colonial Vietnamese Intellectuals’ Adventure Tales and Travelogues, 1910s–1920s." Journal of Asian Studies vol. 76, no. 3: 627-654. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26572355



誰能擁有主體能動性?美國越南研究的歷史社會學分析 (2021/1/1–2021/12/31,科技部)



2023. “Traveling Civilization: The Sinographic Translational Network and Colonial Vietnam’s Modern Lexicon Building, 1890s‒1910s,” in Ross King ed., The Language of the Sages in the Realm of Vernacular Inscription: Reading Sheldon Pollock from the Sinographic cosmopolis. Leiden: Brill.

2011. ‘“Rosy Periwinkle”: The Politics of the Licensed Prostitutes Movement in Taiwan,’ in Jeffrey Broadbent and Vicky Brockman eds, East Asian Social Movements: Power Protest and Change in a Dynamic Region. New York: Springer.


2022. "Playing the Victim from a Moral High Ground: Why Food-Delivery Labor Unions Gain Bargaining Power in Post-Developmental Taiwan," 與徐詠翔、梁聖宇共同發表. Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production, Amsterdam, June 1-2.

2022. "When Elite College Students Become Food-Delivery Workers: Negotiating Educational, Social, and Economic Ranks on the Move in Taiwan," 與徐詠翔、梁聖宇共同發表. Hong Kong Sociological Association 22nd annual conference, Jan 8th.

2020. ‘Mapping Confucian Power in Vietnam: A Historical-GIS Analysis of Vietnam’s Palace Graduates,” in panel titled “Toward a Spatial History of Southeast Asia: the Collisions of Chinese, Cham, and Vientamese Kingdoms from 1000s to 1900s.” Boston: Annual Meeting of Association for Asian Studies. March 19-21.

2019. 〈越南進士哪裡來?歷朝越南進士出身地的GIS地圖分析〉,《東亞科舉與文化:中國、韓國、越南、日本的比較研究》論文組(召集人、發表人)。中研院明清研討會,台北,Aug 28-30.

2019. “From where did Vietnam’s palace graduates come from? A GIS analysis,” 發表於「越南百年科舉回顧」研討會,河內,Aug 11-14.

2019. “Civilization Envy in ‘All-Under-Heaven’: The Case of the Legends of “Principal Graduates of the Two Kingdoms” in Vietnam, the 18th-20th Century,” to be presented at the 11th International Convention of Asian Scholars. Leiden, 16-19, July.

2018. “Domesticating External Political Legitimacy: A Case Study of the Tống Trân Cult in Historical Vietnam, 17th- early 20th Centuries,” presented at the 113th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association. Pennsylvania, 11-14, August.

2018.〈從越南的「兩國狀元」民間信仰看東亞國家的統治正當性問題〉,第一屆中越關係:歷史、現狀、未來研討會,廣州:中山大學歷史系、河內社會科學與人文大學合辦。14-15, May, 2018.

2017.〈從越南的「兩國狀元」民間信仰看東亞國家的統治正當性問題〉,第二屆文獻與進路:越南漢學工作坊。嘉義:中正大學。19-20, Oct.

2016. “Civilization Envy and Proto-Nationalism in Pre-modern Vietnam: The Case of the Tống Trân Story,” presented at “Vietnam and Korea as ‘longue-durée’ subject of comparison: from the pre-modern to modern to the early modern periods,” organized by International Institute for Asian Studies, Seoul National University, and Vietnam National University. Hanoi, March 3, 4.

2016. 〈中國因素與越南認同的形成〉,臺灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會, Sept 22-23, 2016.

2016. “Domesticating Chinese Stranger-Kings in Southeast Asia: A Preliminary Study of Sino-xenic Romance,” Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University (法政大學), Bangkok, January 14‒17.

2015. “Traveling Civilization: The Sinographic Translational Network and Colonial Vietnam’s Modern Lexicon Building, 1890s‒1910s,” Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, One-Asia Project, November 24.

2015. “Domesticating Chinese Stranger-Kings in the Sino-Vietnamese Frontier in the Latter Half of the 19th Century: the Case of a Sino-Vietnamese Imperial Romance The Tale of a Prince.” Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, August 14.

2015. “Reinventing China in Sino-Vietnamese Imperial Romance: A Case Study of The Tale of a Prince,” Asian Research Institute, July 30.

2015. “Reinventing China in Sino-Vietnamese Imperial Romance: A Case Study of The Tale of a Prince,” Temple University, May 8−10.

2014. “Spatializing Enlightened Civilization: The Spatial Imagination of Văn Minh in Colonial Vietnamese Reformed Scholars’ Adventure Tales and Fictional/Semi-Fictional Travelogues, 1900s-1920s,” Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, September 3.

2014. “Spatializing Enlightened Civilization: The Spatial Imagination of Văn Minh in Colonial Vietnamese Reformed Scholars’ Adventure Tales and Fictional/Semi-Fictional Travelogues, 1900s-1920s,” Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Academia Sinica, August 2.

2014. “Reinventing China in Southeast Asia: Sino-Southeast Asian literary interconnections in Vietnam and Thailand from the 17th to the 20th century.” Round table organizer and panelist for the paper From civilization to văn minh: The East Asian translational networks and Vietnamese reformed scholars imagining văn minh in adventure tales and fictional travelogues, 1900-1920.” April 21st.

2011. “The debate on national learning and the formation of Vietnamese national identity in late colonial era,” the Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Honolulu, Hawai’i, March 31-April 3.

2011. “In want of a national culture: translation, intellectuals, and the rise of the vernacular literature in colonial Vietnam,” the Harvard East Asia Society Conference, Feb 25-27.

2010. “The debate on national learning and the formation of Vietnamese national identity in late colonial era,” the 21st Conference of International Association of Historians of Asia, Singapore, July 2-5.

2010. “The debate on national learning and the formation of Vietnamese national identity in late colonial era,” the 5th Graduate Student Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, July 5-9.

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