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(碩士班:林郁禎) (指導教授:王雅各)


  • 研究生:林郁禎
  • 論文名稱:她們的故事:六位台灣早期女醫師的口述史研究
  • 指導教授:王雅各
  • 關鍵字:口述史 ; 女醫師
  • [摘要]

    本研究的目的希望了解出生在1918至1928年(現年76~86歲)的台灣早期女性醫師,她們的人生經歷、教育背景、習醫成因、以及在專業生涯中的考驗與因應。本研究採訪談法與口述歷史法,在訪問受訪者之後,把受訪者的生命故事描述,之後針對此做出分析與探討。結果要點如下:一、 她們投入醫療專業的影響因素分析六位女醫師投入醫療專業的影響因素,歸納為下列四種,包括家庭背景、人格特質、人生際遇與重要他人及受教環境。1、在家庭背景上,這些女醫師幾乎擁有相似的家庭背景,除了家族中擔任醫師的比例偏高,家中經濟條件優越、以及擁有較為開明的父親對子女一視同仁,願意給女兒機會也是個關鍵性因素。2、在人格特質方面,本研究歸納出女醫師們的四個共同特質。因為有「數理方面」的天分,讓她們有能力鑽研於應用科學;因為「興趣較為多元化」,讓她們有很強的適應性;因為「負責任」而能做好生涯規劃;也因為「有主見、有信心的獨立性格」,讓她可以跳脫傳統的框框。這些特質,都讓女醫師們「有能力」,可以選擇較具「高難度」的工作。也願意選擇接納更富挑戰性、或者屬於「非」傳統的女性職業。3、人生的際遇與重要他人。本研究發現「重要他人」,的確會影響個人的自我期許、職業的選擇及實際的地位。在個人的人生價值、目標與歷程中,除了父母之外、老師、同儕、其他有淵源的親近者,都應該與她們的職業抉擇有密切的關係。4、特殊的受教環境。在不同地點與時空背景中所受的教育制度是有差異性的,並且多半在女生接受教育上有差別待遇。然而本研究中的女醫師們,雖然成長背景不同,大環境的條件也不樂觀,但都在教育上有著相較於他人的優勢存在。使她們能與當時的男性相同,接受由幼稚園、中小學到大學的完整教育。二、女醫師的職場生涯。女醫師們在職場生涯中,面臨了許多衝擊,包括競爭的醫學教育、職業生涯的瓶頸、家庭與就業的兩難、以及生涯規劃。1、競爭的醫學教育:各地的醫學教育中,她們面臨了許多不同的考驗與歧視,包括性別、族群,但她們卻在這樣的環境中,發展自我的因應之道,表現的可圈可點。2、職業生涯裡,她們面臨「選科」、「升遷」、「主任及病患的態度」等三種考驗,但她們卻在這樣的考驗中力爭上游。3、在家庭與就業中,她們面臨了許多的困難與徬徨,這些女醫師們雖然接受了高等教育,但在對於家庭與職業,她們依然遵守傳統社會中對女性角色的要求,期望自己能兩者兼顧。她們除了靠自己調適,也尋求原生家庭、婆婆、或女佣人的幫忙。4、在個人的生涯規劃上,她們始終把工作放在生命中的重要部分,無論過去或者現在,她們都以此為己任,持續投入她們熱愛的醫學工作。

  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    The goal of this research is to understand the lives of woman doctors born in 1918 to 1928(aged 76~86) in Taiwan. Their personal characteristics, family and educational backgrounds as well as the challenges and outputs in their professional life in medical career were studied. I use in-depth interview to introduce the life history of these women doctors.

    The findings are summarized as follows:

    A. The reasons why they chose the medical profession:

    1. Family background: All of six interviewees came from well-off families with healthy

    financial situation and superior financial. Many of their family members including father, grandfathers, and siblings were working in medical fields. They all have a open-minded father , who treated all his children impartially and gave an equal chance to the daughters.

    2. Personal characteristics: The common characteristic of these women were more gifted in mathematics, this enables them to study in applied science. Because of their abilities in a variety of interests, they have had strong adaptability. They possess a strong sense of responsibility, leaded them to make good life planning and also because of their independence, and confidence made their self-opinioned and could be free from the traditional society.

    3. Life experience and the importance of “the Significant others”: We discovered that the people around women doctors can affect their self-expectation, the choice of careers and the actual status in the society. Apart from the parents, teachers, friends, colleagues and other intimate relatives played important roles.

    4. The educational environment: The educational system in different places and different times could influence one’s personal development. Though there were different growth background and the social conditions at that time, a description between genders and races in early days and war’s struggle of all those six women received complete education including preschool, elementary, middle, high school, and university. And almost all those are high standard.

    B. Women doctors career life.

    Women doctors face many difficulties in their lives including the hardship in education, competition in the work with man doctors, the bottleneck in their profession and dilemmas between family and career as well as life planning. Those are as follows

    1. Competition in medical education: In medical education of earlier stage, women needed

    to face some degree of sexual and racial discrimination. But they actually, in such environment develop their own way to deal with it and excel in performance.

    2. Professional work: They faced difficulties in choosing the specialization, promotion, and

    unfriendly attitudes of their directors and patients.

    3. Between the family and career: Although having received much higher education, they

    still followed the old role of the women in the traditional society. They tried to do the best on both sides. They not only asked themselves to adapt but also sought helps from mother side family, mother in law or maids.

    4. Individual life planning: Woman doctors treat their profession as an important part of life.

    Regardless of the past or the present, even in the future, they all take their interests in and continue work in their medical field. They love it deeply too.