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邊境防疫的替罪羊: COVID-19 下機組員的勞動困境與失衡生活

  • 研究生:吳佳蒨
  • 論文名稱:邊境防疫的替罪羊: COVID-19 下機組員的勞動困境與失衡生活
  • 指導教授:葉欣怡
  • 關鍵字:COVID-19、邊境防疫、機組員、污名標籤、雙重忠誠

  • 論文中文摘要


  • 論文英文摘要

In late December 2019, the coronavirus (Covid-19), originating from Wuhan, China, swiftly spread globally due to the rapid movement of international cross-border populations. This triggered a nearly two-year-long global quarantine initiative. Against the backdrop of Taiwan's policy and societal symbolic order centered around border control, the operational model of international airlines and the transnational labor force of aviation industry crew members—constantly crossing national borders and interacting with mobile populations from various countries—have faced significant challenges. This study, employing in-depth interviews, participant observation, and analysis of given national policies and news media content, explores the effects of the " Crew Health Control Measures for Epidemic Prevention " implemented for aviation industry crew members within Taiwan's border epidemic control policy. The research findings reveal that these transformations on regulations has adversely impacted crew members, who simultaneously play multiple roles as foreigners, returnees, and immigrant contacts, in terms of the working environment, labor conditions, and life autonomy. The operation of power and media communication has constructed a stigma for this unique professional group, leading to societal exclusion and exacerbating difficulties for crew members in terms of occupational identity and social interaction.