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This thesis explores the significance of the disabled street sellers community who rely on “kindness” in Taiwanese society, stigma, and neoliberalism. Taiwan is deeply affected by neo-liberal ideology, it systematically excludes people with disabilities who cannot find employment and has broken families, and they can only rely on street sales to survive. However, no research has focused on what people with disabilities survival strategies are. This is ethnography. Field observation and semi-structured interviews are were conducted in the “ Interdependence Home” of the street sales group, the “Hsinchulun Service Association.”

From the textual analysis, it was found that the street practice of organizing the disabled body is the main content of social stigma, which points to Taiwan's Familism and ableism imagining the “deserving poor.” The street vendors with disabilities became a source of social tension, so rumors of “fraud” and “groups” have emerged as the basis for pedestrians not to sympathize with street people with disabilities, thus rationalizing the indifference and inaction of state welfare.

 In the “Interdependence Home,” the individual’s “diligent spirit” and “take care of the self” logic (as well as the living room, TV, and kitchen) with family symbols, work to build a “family” with the characteristics of a small and medium-sized enterprise. Uniting the community through daily “eating together” to develop interdependent interpersonal-community relationships and convey the value of “normalization” for pity and charity. Although subject to Taiwan's traditional family framework, the identity of the community among members is heterogeneous, and it is not easy to treat each other as “family,” but rather the “sociality” of sharing a family. This diverse “family” identity is the result of neo-liberalization, and it is also the response of underprivileged disabled people to neoliberalism. However, its mode of operation still submits to the neo-liberal system and values and strengthens the ideology that disabled people have to be independent.

 Considering the structure of restricted opportunities faced by underprivileged disabled people, they weigh up the three lifestyles of resettlement agencies, homelessness, or “Interdependence Homes.” “Interdependence Homes” are what underprivileged disabled people recognize and use to survive and retain their dignity.