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While putting up clothes seems like merely a daily routine, for scholars, wearing clothes not only can keep warm, but also has social meanings. Socialized individuals learn to wear “appropriate” outfits on different occasions. However, with social transformations in modern society, people actually build significant social identity through their clothing style. Among others, Lolita fashion is an excellent example. Lolita fashion is a clothing style originates from Japan and it is famous for its gorgeous appearance. People wearing Lolita can be observed all over the world nowadays. Lolita is not just a dress style for enthusiasts, these people are willing to stand for the hot weather, and even to give up their marriage to insist on wearing Lolita. 

 In this research, I would like to employ concepts proposed by given study on social identity and boundary work to examine Lolita enthusiasts and to illuminate how they maintain the Lolita identity through various strategies in their everyday life. Additionally, I also would like to how Lolita community make a distinction between we-group and they-group, and how their engage in the boundary-work. I claim that, the dressing style is not simply a “reflection” of people’s demographic variables, once enacted, actors may treat their wearing style as the significant source of who they are. That is, people’s clothing style in some cases can become a key source of their identity, and in this study, we get a chance to closely observe how the marked identity can be maintained and even strengthened through boundary work.

 Moreover, Lolita-fashion is definitely not a mainstream wearing-style, according to Brekhus, it is a “marked” identification. To effectively elaborate the daily dilemmas and strategies of marked identity maintenance, I gather my research data through three ways. I employ participant observation to get a close observation of various events and activities in the Taiwanese Lolita Community. I wrote down field-notes carefully each time I went to these events. Moreover, I conduct in-depth interviews and focus group to obtain detailed stories, experiences and responses from Lolitas.

 In short, for some enthusiasts, Lolita is far from merely a dressing style. Lolita is a subculture and represents people’s identity. I also conclude that, Lolitas boundary-work can be classified as external boundary work and internal boundary work. More intriguingly, some of which are as equal classification but others are hierarchical ones. How to do Lolitas has its normative dimension and actors who fail to adequately follow the rules and expectations may be condemned by other Lolitas. Last but not least, I also mention in this thesis that, when constructing the worldview from their Lolita’s identification, these Lolitas clearly perceive a clear-cut distinction between sacred and profane entities.