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  • 研究生:王健玲
  • 論文名稱:父母教養方式、同儕的從眾性消費態度、社會心理因素對國中生從眾性的消費態度的影響
  • 指導教授:陳易甫
  • 關鍵字:國中生從眾性的消費態度、同儕消費態度、父母教養、社會心理因素

  • 論文中文摘要

過去的研究大多針對父母教養及同儕關係對國中生從眾性的消費態度的影響,進行探討,但本文想加入社會心理因素來探究對國中生從眾性的消費態度的影響。故此,本文使用「台灣青少年成長歷程研究計畫」(簡稱 TYP)所蒐集之長期追蹤性的問卷調查資料,並採用多元線性迴歸分析(multiple linear regression analysis)來分析父母教養、同儕的從眾性消費態度、社會心理因素對國中生從眾性的消費態度的影響。研究結果顯示當父母越使用限制性及監督教養,較少使用負面教養時,國中生較不會傾向從眾性的消費態度。接觸高從眾性消費態度的同儕朋友,國中生會越傾向於從眾性的消費態度。國中生的寂寞感越高,越傾向於從眾性的消費態度。具有外向性的人格特質,越傾向於從眾性的消費態度。

  • 論文英文摘要

Most of the past research has focused on the influence of parenting and peer's relationship on the conformity in consumption attitudes junior high school students. This study wants to explore the influence of the social psychological factors. This study uses longitudinal data from Taiwan Youth Growth Project (TYP) and uses multiple linear regression analysis to demonstrate the influence of parenting, peer's consumption attitudes and social psychological factors on the conformity in consumption attitudes junior high school students. The results show that high levels of limited and monitored parenting, and low levels of negative parenting are associated with students’ high levels of conspicuous consumption. Affiliating with friends of high conspicuous consumption, the students will be more inclined to show high levels of conspicuous consumption. With the extroversion personality traits, the more inclines to show conspicuous consumption.