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本研究主要關注青年在畢業後的第一份工作之重要性。在生命歷程的觀點中青年的初職正值School-To-Work的轉銜時期,青年從學生身分離開在職場中進入另外一個角色的轉變(transition)。其早期的就業經歷會持續累積(cumulative process),且影響後面的職涯發展(Shanahan & Mortimer,2002),本研究更加入世代以及性別差異的討論,欲處理在不同世代的青年中會不會因其所處經濟情況和結構不同,初職到現職的取得也所差異。



Does the type of the first job matter?

An investigation of cohort and gender differences in the current job types.

This study investigates the influence of young adults’ first job after graduating from school on their later status attainment. From life course perspective, transition from school to work is an important event to young adults . They experience role changes during the transition., Furthermore, their early employment experiences cumulatively affect their subsequent career development (Shanahan & Mortimer, 2002). This study aims to investigate the link between types of first job and the current jobs in the segmented labor market, and how the link differs across cohorts and genders. The current study analyzes retrospective job history data from “Taiwan Social Change Survey, 2005: Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Three Countries” with event history analysis.
Results indicated that the types of the first job affects the types of the current job and the impact was different between cohorts and genders.

Keywords: first job、event history analysis、cohort difference、nonstandard work、life course