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促使人們願意付出更高的花費購買有機蔬果,這背後的因素為何,是本研究所要探討的。雖然影響人們購買有機蔬果的原因複雜且多樣,但可以從一些較大的方向找出共通點。本文將會從三個層面探討致使人們購買有機蔬果的原因,分別是經濟資本、文化資本、機會結構,從而推論出是否影響購買有機蔬果的行為,這三個層面分別代表的是家庭收入多寡、教育程度高低、有機專賣店密集度高低,並以布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的實踐理論來分析研究結果。


The development of organic agriculture is often regarded as a product of anti-industrialization, which advocates natural, ecological balance and sustainable development of land, and focuses on environmental protection and dietary risk. The rapid growth of organic food market reflects people’s increasing concerns about the impact of industrialization on individual health and environment.
Although organic food products usually cost more, the consumption of organic vegetables, fruits, and other food categories has been growing exponantially. This observation raises important questions: why are people willing to pay a higher price for organic food products? And who is buying organic vegetables and fruits?
To address the questions indicated above, this study examines the factors that affect the purchase of organic vegetables and fruits in Taiwan. Building on the theory of Bourdieu, this study aims to test the effects of individuals’ economic capital, cultural capital, and opportunity structure on the purchase frequency of organic vegetables and fruits.
Given that previous research on Taiwanese household consumption of organic food products is limited to regional studies, this study contributes to a better understanding of consumption of organic food in Taiwan with the nationwide data from the 2010 Taiwan Social Survey.