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(碩士班:邱珺堉)(指導教授:陳婉琪 )


在台灣,有關代間交換行為的集中在2010 年以前,且研究的主軸聚焦於子女支持行為的頻率,而非實際的總額;其中,多半討論整體成年子女,而非專注於青年世代。有鑑於此,本文使用「華人家庭動態資料庫」(PSFD),整合子代與親代的詳細資訊,探究不同家庭位置的子女如何給予父母親金錢支持,並將樣本範圍鎖定民國66 年後出生且大於25 歲的成年子女樣本,得到四點結論:
一、 在台灣,凡25 歲以上的年輕成年子女僅有不到10%的受訪者仍然接受父母的支持,但高達85%以上的受訪者都有給予父母親金錢支持。二、 長子女所付出的金錢比例顯著地較其他子女為高。三、 不同的手足結構,個別子女對於其父母的金錢支持行為產生差異,也就是當手足數越多,個別付出的金錢比例較低、擁有最高教育程度的子女會付出較多的經濟支持、「所有子女都已有工作」則相對「任一子女沒有工作」的受訪者比起來付出的比例佔得較低。四、 相較傳統的家庭價值或是孝道觀念,只有「與父母的感情好」才會顯著的對子女提供的金錢支持比例有正面影響,顯示傳統的觀念已經不是影響子女回饋父母支持的重要因素,取而代之的是親子之間實際的情感聯繫。

Based on the data analysis from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD), this study examines the correlation between “the birth order of young adults in Taiwan” and “their upward monetary support” by using data from both parents and children in the same family. These young adults were born after 1911, and have been over 25 during 2010 to 2012. Four conclusions are then made in this study: (1) there are under 10% of the young adults in Taiwan who receive support from their parents, but there are over 85% of the young adults give monetary support to their parents. (2) The firstborns significantly give more than their siblings. (3) The young adults’ support were related to the sibling structure in the family; i. e., the more sibling they have, the fewer they support. (4) Comparing to filial piety or traditional family value, good relationship between children and parents in more important to how young adults’ monetary support to their parents.