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  • 研究生:陳亞麟
  • 論文名稱:新媒體與積極的公民行動:台灣民眾的分析
  • 指導教授:蔡明璋
  • 關鍵詞:新媒體 政治意識形態 公民行動 立委 政黨 總統
  • 本文試圖從「新媒體」(New Media)的觀點解釋與積極公民行動的關係。為回答以上問題,本研究使用中央研究院台灣社會變遷調查第六期第一次在2010年所做的綜合問卷,從基本背景人口的變項(性別、年齡、教育程度、族群、收入),政治意識形態,以及新媒體因素,進行量化分析研究。研究結果發現,影響投票行為的主要因素是政治意識形態,且台灣意識越高的投票偏好於泛綠。基本人口背景的族群身分亦是影響投票行為的重要因子。新媒體對投票行為沒有直接關係。在請願、投訴行動上,新媒體在上網時間上出現顯著正相關,換句話說,上網時間越長的民眾會比較積極在請願、投訴行動;但參與公民運動則沒有顯著相關,新媒體不會立即對公民運動的參與產生作用。綜上所述,本研究認為造成請願、投訴行動會顯著,而參與公民行動卻無顯著的情況是,請願、投訴行動的機會成本較低,請願、投訴可以在家透過網路新媒體即可達到效果,但參與公民行動花費較多的時間與力氣。
  • For the actions of petition and complaint, new media and the time spent on the Internet generate positive effects. In other words, those spending longer time on the Internet tend to be more active in the petition and complaint actions. Nevertheless, there is no significant correlation between use of new media and participation in citizenship movements. In summary, this study suggests that new media can encourage petitions, but does not stimulate citizenship movements. This is perhaps because petitions or complaints have lower opportunity costs, whereas citizen activism is more demanding in time and effort. This thesis attempts to explore the influence of “New Media” in active citizenship. To answer the above questions, data were drawn the 2010 Taiwan Social Change Comprehensive Survey (Round 6, Year 1) conducted by Acedemia Sinica. In this research, basic demographic variables (gender, age, education, ethnicity, income), political ideologies, and use of new media were investigated to see whether they associate with party preference in voting and citizen activism. The findings show that in predicting party preference, the main factor is political ideology, that is, the higher the level of “Taiwan consciousness” a respondent has, the stronger preference to vote for Pan-Green parties. Ethnic identity of basic demographic background is also an important factor. In contrast, use of new media was not directly related to the voting behavior.