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  • 研究生:童意晴
  • 論文名稱:台灣土地改革政策下的地主與佃農社會流動-以北部某鄉為例
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵詞:土地改革、三七五減租、社會流動、佃農
  • 台灣戰後經濟發展的重要政策之中,土地改革影響甚鉅,甚至被視為促進台灣經濟成長重要的原因之一。土地改革分為三七五減租(1949)、公地放領(1951)、及耕者有其田(1953)三個階段。至今,公地放領與耕者有其田已廢除,唯有三七五減租仍施行至今。反對土地改革政策者認為其並未打破佃農與地主之間的社會階級界線。為檢驗此說法,本研究特以實施至今的三七五減租作為研究議題,探討(1)三七五減租實施前,佃農與地主之間的關係如何;(2)三七五減租實施後,地主與佃農社會階級的流動情形;(3)三七五減租實施至今,地主與佃農對於租約處理情形。本研究以宜蘭某鄉之地主與佃農為母體,分別以問卷調查與深度訪談進行。問卷調查部分,研究對象選取地主繼承人57人與佃農繼承人54人;深度訪談部分則從佃農與地主繼承人中各自選取5人進行質化訪談。研究結果發現,因為三七五減租後續租約問題,使繼承土地的地主後代,與繼承租約的佃農後代之間的除了換約關係之外並沒有太大實質的相互影響;地主與佃農在三七五減租實施前後社會階級也並未有顯著差異。此外,對於佃農而言,少有因為租約條例而大幅改善經濟狀況。此研究也建議政府與相關單位應正視並解決三七五減租的問題,以求讓租約土地能做更有效的運用。
  • The Farmland Reform Policy is considered to be one of the most important reasons of Taiwan’s post war social change. The scholars who oppose Farmland Reform policy believe that it did not loosen the boundaries of social classes between the tenant and the landlord. In order to test this argument, this study targets part of the existing heirs of " The 37.5% Arable Land Rent Reduction " policy in order to investigate: (1)the relationship between tenants and landlords before the Farmland Reform policy; (2) the social mobility of landlords and tenants after " The 37.5% Arable Land Rent Reduction "; (3) the situation about lease administration between tenants and landlords since "The 37.5% Arable Land Rent Reduction". The study shows that for larger landlords, the trauma was mainly psychological; for the tenants, land reform did bring some relieve on their economic hardship but no immediate improvement; while the small land owners suffered both psychological and economic losses. Our analysis also show that it is not until the third generation that the social distance between landlord and tenant was getting narrower, but there are still major differences on how to settle the land lease issue.