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  • 研究生:吳孚佑
  • 論文名稱:族群通婚與族群文化認同相關性之初探-以原住民為例
  • 指導教授:郭文般
  • 關鍵詞:族群通婚、族群認同、文化認同、相對剝奪感、原漢意象
  • 原住民族雖名列臺灣四大族群之一,但是相較於國內其他族群的研究來說,針對原住民族所進行的研究可謂九牛一毛。通婚是族群融合最直接也是最有效的途徑。然而,在漢人文化佔居強勢主導地位的今日,通婚情境下的原住民,該如何面對自我族群與文化上的認同,是相當值得觀察與注意的現象。有別於漢文化本位的角度,本研究將以原住民為主體,探討族群的通婚、相對剝奪感以及原漢意象等個人認知層面的因素對於原住民族群文化認同的影響。企圖對目前原住民族群文化上的認同樣貌做一陳述,並針對其變異進行可能的分析與推測。本研究使用2007年調查的「臺灣原住民社會變遷與政策評估調查研究」為分析資料,主要研究結果如下:

(一) 族群通婚對於原住民的族群文化認同有顯著的負面影響。

(二) 通婚情境下的原住民女性其族群文化認同較低。

(三) 相對剝奪感的產生對於原住民的族群文化認同有正向影響。

(四) 正面的原漢意象有助於提升原住民的族群文化認同。

  • Among the literatures of ethnic/racial studies, marriage has always been thought of as the final stage of inter-racial/ethnic relationship in which the identity of the minority party’s was often at peril. In Taiwan, the Hans is apparently the dominant group as opposed to the aborigines, hence the ways the aborigines’ identity would be affected if married with the Hans are intriguing in this context. Several hypotheses are formulated accordingly and the data of“Social Change and Policy of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples Survey”is used to test them. Statistical analyses like ANOVA, correlation and hierarchical Regression are used to examine the different aspects of the issue.

The major findings are as follows: (1) The aboriginal women have weaker ethnic cultural identity in average; (2) Intermarriage impacts on the aborigines' ethnic cultural identity negatively; (3) A sense of relative deprivation will trigger stronger cultural identity on the part of the aborigines; (4) A more positive image of the Hans will raise the aborigines' strength of ethnic cultural identity.