

首頁 > 學生表現 > 碩士/碩專班畢業論文>歷屆碩士班論文


  • 研究生:江啟暉
  • 論文名稱:學業補習與國中生憂鬱傾向之探討
  • 指導教授:陳婉琪
  • 關鍵詞:補習、憂鬱
  • 補習教育,又被稱為影子教育(shadow education),是一種非正規的教育體系,可分為才藝補習或學業補習。關於學業補習的相關研究,多數都是在探討學業補習對學生的成績是否有提升,卻很少提及補習與學生心理狀況所關聯的層面。

本研究使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS),第一波及第二波的國中生問卷調查,欲藉由資料庫的長期追蹤性質,以量化研究的方式尋找出學業補習對學生憂鬱傾向的影響。

研究結果發現 : (1)若學生適度的參與學業補習,會使學生的憂鬱傾向有減輕的效益;(2)然而,補習超過一定的時數之後,學生憂鬱傾向就會趨於嚴重,結果呈現一種非線性關係。(3)雖然補習會導致憂鬱傾向增加,但是當補習導致成績進步時,會減輕學生增加憂鬱傾向的程度。

  • Shadow education, mostly cram schools and tutoring, is prevelent in East Asian countries and affects numerous adolescents. However, very few studies investigated whether and how taking extra classes in cram schools other than formal schooling affects young students' mental health. Using 7th-grader and 9th-grader survey data from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), this study explored the impact of shadow education upon students' depression. The findings include the following: (1)If student attend shadow education moderately, that student’s depression will be decreased, otherwise, student attend shadow education excessively, that student’s depression will be increased. (2) How taking cram-school classes affect depression is not linear. It's conditional on the extent of the respondents' improvement. If student’s academic performance improved by shadow education, that student’s depression will be decreased. (3) Although student attend shadow education would affect their depression, but student would decrease their depression when their academic performance be improved by attending shadow education.