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  • 研究生:鄭政松
  • 論文名稱:唯處死刑或無期徒刑案件之量刑界限-以台灣近十年相關殺人案件為例
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵詞:量刑、殺人、死刑、無期徒刑
  • 目前我國刑法對於殺害直系血親尊親屬及強制性交、強盜、擄人勒贖與海盜等結合殺人的犯罪,定下了唯可處以死刑或無期徒刑的嚴厲刑罰規定。而此正意味著,當法官面對此類案件時,原則上不是判生就是只能判死。從而,本研究試圖以社會科學的實證研究方法,藉由相關案例樣本的歸納分析,描述最高法院法官們對於確定死刑或無期徒刑案件終審的量刑界限,以期讓社會大眾更加理解法官的審判內涵,知悉法官們對於重大殺人案件量刑的考慮要素。在針對民國93年至102年十年間共109件相關殺人案件所做的變項屬性歸納統計與觀察後,發現百分之百確定死刑之案件,乃包含強制性交併合強盜殺人,以及同案殺害三人以上之重大犯罪型態;至於在同案殺害兩人的案例中,除了有少數因符合民國94年修法前「自首應減」之規定及僅單ㄧ案例是處以無期徒刑者外,亦有極高的判死比例。此外,在諸如判決年度、行政分區、案件歷時、更審次數、案件類型、共犯人數、殺人工具手法、犯罪時點、犯罪處所、被告有無前科、被告犯罪前後行為、被害親疏,以及被害家屬是否原諒等等自變項中,各該屬性對於依變項(死刑或無期徒刑)所產生的影響方面,本文亦均有初部的發現與描述。在經由相關文獻探討及觀察最高法院法官們審理量刑的相關因素後,本研究提出有關殺人刑罰是否應單獨立法、法官判決理由應建立更細緻的制度化標準,以及由個人向法院預留「廢死卡」之方式代表被害亡者陳述,而令法官得以切確審酌量刑等三項建議,期望或許在攸關死刑或無期徒刑的個案判決中,能給予法官及社會大眾們另一種思考的可能。
  • In the Criminal Code of the Republic of China, any offences in respect of killing lineal descendants and murders committed during the course of certain offenses such as forced sexual intercourse, robbery, kidnapping for ransom and piracy shall be given severe punishment, death or life imprisonment. This means a judge in such cases has to face the issue of deciding either life or death. Accordingly, the study aims to use empirical social science research methods by an inductive analysis of such cases to demonstrate how Supreme Court judges determine the boundary between the death penalty or life imprisonment while making the final ruling on the case so that the public can better understand the sentencing by judges and the factors considered in determining the sentences of major murder cases. From the inductive analysis to statistics and observation of variables and attributes used in 109 murder cases from 2004 to 2013, it is found that those cases for 100% death penalty include felony murders such as murders committed in the course of forced sexual intercourse and a robbery and murders of more than three people in the same case; murders of two people in the same case also has a higher rate of death penalty except for few cases about life imprisonment in accordance with the “shorten sentences if confessing to a crime” rule before the amendment act of 2005 and some individual cases. In addition, the study also has the preliminary discovery and description about those dependent variables such as the year of sentencing, administrative districts, how long cases last, times of assignment, the types of cases, number of accomplices, killing tool and method, when and where to commit a crime, prior charges, the behaviors before and after committing a crime, the relationship between the defendant and the victim and whether the victim relatives forgive the defendant, etc., and the associated influences every attribute has on dependent variables (the death penalty or life imprisonment). Based on the relevant literature discussion and observation of the related factors about how Supreme Court judges determine sentences, the study suggests 1) the punishment of murder should be found in a separate law, 2) the sentencing reasoning of a judge should rely on a more detailed institutionalized standard and 3) the individuals can reserve the “signed card against death penalty” as their statement for the court in case they are the victims killed in order to let a judge to consider sentencing accordingly. It is hoped that these suggestions may provide judges and the public different insights in cases involving the decisions of the death penalty or life imprisonment.