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(碩專班:王玉如) (指導教授:張清富)


  • 研究生: 王玉如
  • 論文名稱: 大學畢業生初職成就之探討─一般大學與技職體系大學畢業生之比較
  • 指導教授: 張清富
  • 關鍵字: 職業聲望、人力資本、社會網絡、強聯繫、弱聯繫
  • 本文是在高等教育體制大幅擴充、失業率高漲以及勞動市場職缺逐漸緊縮的脈絡之下,探討這群剛畢業、工作經歷較少或甚至沒有任何工作經歷的大學應屆畢業生,他們在踏入職場的求職歷程中,透過人力資本的累積以及社會網絡關係的運用,是否能對其求職及初職聲望造成顯著影響?而二者的影響,以何者較為顯著?並比較一般大學和技職體系大學畢業生之間的差異。



  • Abstract

    Under the present circumstances, there are higher education expansion, a rising unemployment rate, and a gradual shrinking of labor market in Taiwan. This paper aims to explore how social connections could influence first-job achievement of recently university graduates with either less or without any working experiences. Also, this study tries to apply both human capital accumulation and social networks to explore occupational achievement of these first-job-seekers. Of both factors, that is, human capital and social networks, which one is more significant? In addition, the paper also attempts to make a comparison of job achievement of recently college graduates of both comprehensive universities and tech universities.

    By using the concept of “human capital and social networks,” in terms of individual competency and career preparations during their college studies, such as professional aptitude, proficiency certificates, and part time working experiences, the study attempts to explore factors that influence occupational achievement of these first fulltime-job holders. Of all these factors, which can increase a personal occupational prestige? Of both “formal” and “informal” channels, which one will be more effective for these recent university graduates who search their first-fulltime jobs?

    The result shows that “college prestige and degrees” impact more significantly than “social networks” for the group of recent university graduates. University majors, certificates, experiences of tutoring and interns are crucial for first job achievement among recent university graduates. A person’s occupational prestige is increased by utilizing proper “formal channels” rather than “informal channels” for these recent college graduates who search a first job. However, the weak ties hypothesis on job achievement is not proved in the study.