

首頁 > 學生表現 > 三鶯研究>歷屆碩專班論文

(碩專班:蔡米絨) (指導教授:王雅各)


  • 研究生: 蔡米絨
  • 論文名稱: 孩子的第二個媽?安親老師的難為
  • 指導教授: 王雅各
  • 關鍵字: 女性特質、母職再製、性別
  • 安親班在坊間林立,安親班的老師在放學後,照顧著沒有父母在身邊的孩子,本研究想要理解安親班老師所扮演的角色中的困境與困難,並且了解安親班老師之原生家庭、求學過程和職場經驗,探討職業歷程與實際狀況。

    「女人做女人的工作」是否是一成不變的道理。「母職的再生產」、「自我實現的預言」,是本論文所探討的理論。探討真的只有「女人」才適合安親老師的工作嗎?是否有可能打破性別迷思,讓「男性」也加入安親老師的行列,進而從性別領域中提供另一個選擇和思考模式。本研究用質性研究中半結構式的深度訪談法進行,並且以實際觀察蒐集資料,以十位在安親職場的女性安親老師 -- 分為育有孩子的五位安親老師,和沒有孩子的五位安親老師為受訪者。



  • Abstract

    There are many day care centers in our community. After children get out from school teachers of day care centers take care these children. The aims of this research were to (A)understand the plight and difficulties of the teachers in the day care center, (B)know the teachers’ family origin, schooling, and experience in the workplace, and (C)explore the teachers’ career processes and occupational history.

    "Women do women's job" is the immutable truth. The theories, "The reproduction of motherhood" and "self-fulfilling prophecy", were used in this paper. The author waned to discuss the jobs in the day care center, whether they are for female teachers only. Male teachers might be good teachers in the day care centers, too. We offer an alternative thought to break the gender stereotype.

    In this qualitative study, the researcher used an in-depth, semi-structured interview and the observation to collect data about ten women, five women with their own kids and five women without their own kids, in their workplace. After the participants described their life story, the main data was analyzed. From the viewpoints of femininity, gender and society, women's work, the roles of teachers, and the differences were explored.

    The study found that because the teachers are working in the day care center; they assumed the role of the child’s second mother. Participants generally believe that the teaching is women's work. In day care centers, teachers are mostly female workers. The results of this study showed motherhood reproduction, gender differences, teachers dilemma, and facing a spoiled child happened in the day care center. Conclusions from this study, future research may suggest and be discussed later.