

首頁 > 學生表現 > 三鶯研究>歷屆碩專班論文

(碩專班:曾麗菁) (指導教授:張清富)


  • 研究生: 曾麗菁
  • 論文名稱: 另類第二班:隊伍軍人之職業生涯與家務分工
  • 指導教授: 張清富
  • 關鍵字: 家務分工、男性、男子氣概、退伍軍人
  • 目前台灣有關家務分工的研究對男性退伍軍人的著墨不多。本論文企圖探索長期處在一個事事彰顯男性氣概的父權體制軍隊中的軍人,瞭解其在職業生涯中性別角色如何建構與模塑,其在家務分工上如何展現,並分析影響其參與家務分工的因素。



  • Abstract

    Currently, Research on the division of household labor for male veterans in Taiwan is scanty. This paper attempts to explore how they construct and mold their gender roles for their careers of military servicemen who have long-term highlighting everything in a patriarchal masculinity manner, to understand how they display on their division of housework, and to analyze what factors affecting their taking part in their household division of labor.

    Interviewing with nine male veterans who re-enter the workplace, the research found that their gender role attitudes are interactively influenced by the following factors-- their original family, their military dependents' community culture, military experiences, and workplace accommodation. Thus, for the division of housework, the veterans show the bipolar types—“the traditional rigid division of gender roles” and “swing in the traditional and the modern division of gender roles.” Therefore, in the division of household labor, there are multi-appearances-- “wife tradition, husband tradition”, “borderline's limited participation”, “partnership”, “negotiation between husband and wife”, and “modern wife, modern husband”.

    Moreover, sharing “the second shift” is based on the factors including the military compensation psychology, spouse gender intensity, spouse economic contributions, family commitments, observation of a negative family impact on children, housework preference, life cycle, childhood housework participation, marital intimacy, and time at home.