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(碩士班:謝沛霖) (指導教授:林桂綉)


  • 研究生: 謝沛霖
  • 論文名稱: 母親教養方式、偏差行為與青少年非行─以臺北市國中生為例
  • 指導教授: 林桂綉
  • 關鍵字: 母親偏差行為、母親教養行為、子女偏差行為、性別差異、固定效果模型
  • 本研究利用三個期次的長期追蹤調查資料「青少年藥物濫用之起因:一個社會學習模型」,以結構方程模型(structural equation modeling)進行固定效果模型(fixed effects model)分析,以期在排除選擇性偏誤(selection bias)並控制影響母親教養行為及子女偏差行為效果及值固定不變的因素,在考慮母親教養行為(生活監控以及嚴厲教養)的中介效果的狀況下,探討台北市國中生之偏差行為與母親偏差行為、教養行為間之關聯機制。本文主要提問有二,第一,母親偏差行為、教養行為與子女偏差行為間之關聯機制為何,母親偏差行為是否透過教養行為影響子女的偏差行為?第二,三者間的關聯是否因子女的性別而有所不同?並試圖利用多個社會學理論探討三者之間的關聯機制如何運作。


  • The present paper uses three wave panel data which is from the project “The Causes of Teenagers' Drug Abuse: A Social Study Model” to explore the association between mother’s antisocial behaviors, parenting and adolescent antisocial behaviors to clarify two things. First, what is the association among these three variables? Whether mother’s parenting mediate the association between mother’s antisocial behaviors and adolescent antisocial behaviors. Second, whether the association mechanism and the effect are differed by adolescent gender?

    To find out the association among these three variables, the author utilizes fixed effect model under structural equation modeling to analyze, the results show that the level of mother’s antisocial behavior has no association with adolescent’s level of antisocial behavior. More monitoring and less harsh disciplines are associating with lower level of adolescent antisocial behavior. And the above results are true for both boys and girls.