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(碩士班:許雅琳) (指導教授:陳婉琪)


  • 研究生: 許雅琳
  • 論文名稱: 「學習也分男女?」—再探台灣高等教育科系性別隔離現象
  • 指導教授: 陳婉琪
  • 關鍵字: 高等教育、性別隔離、主修科系、女性比例、教育取向
  • 台灣高等教育擴張,以量來說,兩性在教育年數方面已達均等,但是大專院校的科系分佈,仍是呈現性別差異。劉正、陳建州(2007)研究顯示,不同層級的大專院校,在科系性別隔離的程度及長期趨勢發展並不相同,這與各層級學校所提供的科系類別以及科系型態的發展有重要關係。然而台灣既有的相關文獻探討很少,針對該議題的瞭解不甚完全。高等教育擴張效應、高等教育中各層級高低、女性參與高等教育的比例、以及學校體制與科系性別隔離程度的變化,彼此之間的關係究竟為何?本研究將勾勒出更完整的圖像。


  • There is no consistent conclusion about the analysis of gender segregation of fields of study in higher education in Taiwan. This research examines the patterns and trends in the segregation of fields of study by gender for associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from 1982 to 2005, and tests the”devaluation of the feminine” perspective.

    This study uses Taiwan 1982-2005 Education Statistics of the Republic China data to compute the index of dissimilarity of fields of study by gender, and to demonstrate the changing patterns and trends of gender segregation for higher education. This study indicates the segregation of fields of study by gender for associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees become less and less from 1982 to 2005, and the percentage of female in higher education affects the gender segregation degree.