Chang, Heng-hao
ProfessorDisability Studies/Sociology of Disability, Social Movement, Sociology of Health, Cultural Analysis Social Science Building 6F10 Mon. & Tue. 10:00-12:00
Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Hawai‛i at Mānoa
Feb. 2020-July 2020 Visiting Professional Fellow, University of New South Wales
2017-Jan 2020 Director, Research Center for Taiwan Development, College of Social Science, National Taipei University
2016- Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taipei University
2014-2017 Chair, Department of Sociology, National Taipei University
2011-2016 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taipei University
2009-2011 Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, National Taipei University
2006-2009 Assistant Professor Department of Applied Sociology, Nanhua University
2006 Graduate Research Assistant, Center on Disability Studies, UHM
2006 Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Hawai‛i at Mānoa
2002 International Cultural Studies Certificate, International Cultural Studies program, East-West Center
1998 MA in Sociology, University of Hawaii at Manoa
1995 B.A. in Sociology, College and Law and Business, National Chun-Hsing University (National Taipei University now)
Heng-hao Chang received his PhD. in Sociology, from University of Hawaii, Manoa and is current professor at the Department of Sociology, National Taipei University, Taiwan. His research areas include Disability Studies, Social Movement and Sociology of Health. He has been work on research related to disability rights movement, representation of disabilities, and inclusive education for disabled people in Taiwan. His current work includes civic participation of disabled people, vernacularization of CRPD, CRPD and civil society in Taiwan.
His work has been published in Disability and Society, Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, Asian Journal of Women's Studies Taiwanese Sociology (in Chinese) and Taiwanese Journal of Sociology (in Chinese). He co-edited a book, Disability Studies: Theories and Policy Implication, which introduces Disability Studies to Chinese language.
Google scholar:
- Heng-hao Chang , Jun-Jie Lin, Hung-Yu Ru, Mei-chi Chen. 2024. "Welfare State Regimes Encountering Indigenous People with Disabilities: A Systematic Literature Review." NTU Social Work Review. 50:141-177. DOI:
- Chang, Heng-hao. 2024. “Disability Rights and Cultural Contexts: Dynamics of Policy, Activism, and Socio-Economic Realities in East Asia.” International Journal of Disability and Social Justice. 4(1):4-9. DOI: 10.13169/intljofdissocjus.4.1.0004
- , , , & 2024. “Disability Policy Meets Cultural Values: Chinese Families of Children and Young People with Developmental Disabilities in Taipei and Sydney.” Ethics and Social Welfare, 18(1): 37–53. DOI: 10.1080/17496535.2023.2295850
- Lin, Jun-Jie and Heng-hao Chang*, 2023. “Reconsidering Disability in Taiwan: A Perspective on Globalisation and Postcolonialism.” Disability and Society. . (on-line first)
- Yu, Yi-An, Chun-Yu Chiu, Yu-An Lin, Heng-Hao Chang (2022). A Survey of the Remote Learning Experience of College Students with Disabilities during COVID–19. Survey Research-Method and Application, 49, 135-186.
- Lin, Jun-jie and Heng-hao Chang. 2020. “Defining Disability Studies: The Development of Disability Studies in UK and US and the Localization Process in Taiwan.” Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 32(4):645–691. [FULL TEXT]
- Liu, Yi-Jung, Chun-Yu Chiu , Heng-Hao Chang, Chiou-Shiue Ko. 2020. “Double Special: A Qualitative Exploration of Work Family Border-Crossing Experiences of Nondisabled Siblings With a Career in Special Education.” Bulletin of Special Education, 45(3):29-52. DOI: 10.6172/BSE.202011_45(3). 0002.[FULL TEXT]
Chang, Heng-hao, Yueh-ching Chou, Chun-hsien Chen, and Chong-an Chen. 2020. “Who Represents “Disabled People”? An Analysis of the Governmental Disability Committee and Its Implications for the PoliticalParticipation of Disabled People in Taiwan. ” Taiwan Democracy Quarterly, 17(1):95-136. [FULL TEXT]
Lin, Chao-Yin, Ya-Chih Cheng and Heng-Hao Chang. 2018. “When "Non-Standard Patients" Encounter the Medical Professional System: A Qualitative Analysis of Medical Experiences among People with Disabilities.” NTU Social Work Review, (38): 99-146. DOI: 10.6171/ntuswr2018.38.03 (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
Chan, Mu-yen and Heng-Hao Chang. 2018. “Equal Participation or Special Treatment?—A Sociological Analysis of Disabled Students’Admissions to College in Taiwan.” Bulletin of Special Education, 43(3): 1-28.
DOI: 10.6172/BSE.201811_43(3).0001 (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
Wang, Wei-Ching, Jung-Tsung Yang, Shu-Man Pan and Heng-Hao Chang. 2018. “Name Rectification Politics of “the Others” for the Media: A Comparative Study on Homosexuals and People with Disabilities.” Communication & Society, (44): 49-83. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-hao. 2017. “From advocacy to service provision: state transformation and the disability rights movement in Taiwan.” Disability and Society, 32(3): 308-322. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1294050 [FULL TEXT]
- Chen, Wan-Chi and Heng-Hao Chang. 2017. “Authors' Reply: Friends, Cyber Acquaintances, Facebook and the Sunflower Movement.” Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 29(2): 329-333. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chou, Yueh-Ching and Heng-Hao Chung. 2017. “Implementation of the ICF: Perspectives of the users with disabilities.” Soochow Journal of Social Work, (32): 1-34. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Huang, Xiu-wen, Heng-hao Chang and Wen-hui Anna Tang. 2016. “Carework in the Division of Labor of Gender and Professionalism: An Institutional Ethnography of Teachers’ Assistants in Special Education in Taiwan.” Journal of Women’s and Gender Studies, (39): 1-58. DOI: 10.6255/JWGS.2016.39.1 (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chen, Wan-Chi, Heng-Hao Chang, Su-Jen Huang. 2016. “The Coming of Networked Social Movement? Social Ties and Social Media in the Sunflower Movement.” Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 28(4): 467-501. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Wei, Hsi-Sheng, Heng-Hao Chang and Ji-Kang Chen. 2016. “Bullying and Victimization among Taiwanese Students in Special Schools.” International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 63(2): 246-259. DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2015.1092505 [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-Hao and Jing-yi Wang. 2016. “From “Handicapped” to “Disabled”: A Content Analysis of Disability Labels and Discourse in Taiwanese Newspapers.” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology, (31): 1-41. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chou, Yueh-Ching, Heng-Hao Chang, Ching-Chen Lee, and Mu-Yen Chan. 2015. “Context and Philosophy of WHO's ICF: Literature Review.” Community Development Journal (Quarterly), (150): 17-39. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-Hao. 2015. “Disabled Citizens’ Movement: Glocalization of Rights Discourse and Social Model in Taiwan.” Thought and Words: Journal of the Humanities and Social Science, 53(2): 89-136. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-Hao. 2015. “The Politics of Disability Classification and Redistribution Justice: A Case Study of Accessible Parking in Greater Taipei Area.” Social Policy and Social Work, 19(1): 91-138. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chou, Yueh-Ching, Shih-Chih Wang, Heng-Hao Chang, and Li-yeh Fu. 2014. “Working but not employed: mothers of adults with intellectual disability as hidden workers.” Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 39(4): 353-362. (SSCI) [FULL TEXT]
- Chou, Yueh-Ching, Li-Yeh Fu, and Heng-Hao Chang. 2013. “Making work fit care: reconciliation strategies used by working mothers of adults with intellectual disabilities.” Journal of Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities, 26(2) 133-145. (SSCI) [FULL TEXT]
- Chou, Yueh-Ching, Li-Yeh Fu, Cheng-Yun Pu, and Heng-Hao Chang. 2012. “Difficulties of work-care reconciliation: Employed and non-employed mothers of children with intellectual disabilities.” Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 37(3): 260-268. (SSCI) [FULL TEXT]
- Heng-hao Chang and Wan-chi Chen. 2012. “Globally Happy: Individual Globalization, Expanded Capacities, and Subjective Wellbeing.” Social Indicators Research, 108(3): 509–524. [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-Hao and Shih-Keng Yen. 2011. “From Charity toward Civil Rights: The Development and Challenges of the Disability Social welfare in Taiwan.” Community Development Journal (Quarterly), (133):402-416. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Kuo, Feng-Cheng and Heng-Hao Chang. 2011. “Protection or Restriction? Employment Quota Policy and Life Experiences of Persons with Visual Impairment in Labor Market.” Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, (83): 95-136. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Chin-fen and Heng-Hao Chang. 2010. “Who Cares for Unions?: Pubic Attitudes Toward Union Power in Taiwan 1990-2005.” China Perspective, 83 (3): 64-78. [French version: Qui S'intéresse aux Syndicats? Opinion et Syndicats à Taiwan (1995-2005)]”, Perspectives Chinoises, 83(3): 70-85.
- Chang, Heng-Hao. 2009. “When disability studies meets the Gender Equality Education.” Gender Equality Education (Quarterly), (48): 10-19. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-Hao and Feng-San Su. 2009. “Representations of Disabled People in Elementary School Textbooks in Post-War Taiwan.” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology, (42): 143-188. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-Hao. 2009. “From Housewives to Activists: Lived Experiences of Mothers for Disability Rights in Taiwan.” Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 15(3): 34-59. [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-Hao. 2007. “Special Education and Sociology of Disability: a Theoretical Reflection.” Formosan Education and Society, (13): 71-92. (In Chinese) [FULL TEXT]
- Chang, Heng-hao. 2007. “Social Change and the Disability Rights Movement in Taiwan: 1980-2002.” The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, 3 (1&2): 3-19. [FULL TEXT]
- So, Alvin Y. and Heng-hao Chang. 1998. “Powerful Communist Party, Robust Capitalist Economy: Interpreting the Chinese Puzzle.” Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 24(1&2): 101-127.
Chang, Heng-hao and Yi-Chun Chou. 2023. “Alternative community living practices in Taiwan: Rethinking de-institutionalisation and the human rights model.” In Sally Roberson and Karen Fisher (edts). Research Handbook on Disability Policy, Edward Elgar, UK. (forthcoming)
Chang, Heng-hao, Yueh-Ching Chou and Cheng-Yu Chao. 2023. “Community-Based Care.” In: Maggino, F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Cham. (online first)
Chang, Heng-hao and Chun-Yu Chiu, 2017, “Chapter 16 Rights for Education.” Pp.395-420 in Fort Fu-Te Liao and Naiyi Sun (Ed.). Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Taipei: Taiwan New Century Foundation.
Chang, Heng-hao, Cheng-Yu Chao and Yueh-Ching Chou, 2014. "Community-based Care." In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. (pp. 1109-1112), Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Chou, Yueh-Ching, Toshiko Nakano, Heng-Hao Chang and Li-Fang Liang. 2013. “Parent-carers in Taiwan and Japan: lifelong caring responsibilities within a familistic welfare system.” In Teppo Kröger and Sue Yeandle (Ed.). Combining paid work and family care: Policies and experiences in international perspective (pp. 143-162). UK: Policy Press.
- Wang, Kuo-Yu, Chao-Yin Lin and Heng-Hao Chang, ed., 2012. Disability Studies: Theory and Policy Application. Taipei: Chuliu Publisher.
- Chang, Heng-Hao and Feng-Shang Su, 2012, “Chapter 1: History and Culture of disability in Western Society,” Pp.11-41., in Wang, Kuo-Yu, Chao-Yin Lin and Heng-Hao Chang, ed., Disability Studies: Theory and Policy Application n. Taipei: Chuliu Publisher.
- Lin, Chao-Yin, Heng-Hao Chang and Feng-Shang Su, 2012, “Chapter 4: Rights and Legal Protection of People with disabilities,” Pp.101-128., in Wang, Kuo-Yu, Chao-Yin Lin and Heng-Hao Chang, ed., 2012. Disability Studies: Theory and Policy Application Taipei: Chuliu Publisher.
- Chang, Heng-Hao, 2011, “Strategies and Organizational transformation of Disabled Rights Movement: Providing Services as a practical way of Social Movement?” Pp.129-169., in Ho, Ming-Sho and Hsiu-Hsin Lin, ed., Era of Social Movement: Taiwanese Activism in latest 20 years. Taipei: Socio Publishing.
So, Alvin Y. and Heng-Hao Chang, 2001. Zhong,Shao-Feng, trans., “Developmental Mystery Since Chinese economic reform.” Pp.24-44., in Min-Jie Zhang, ed., Second Revolution in China: Perspectives of Western scholars. Beijing: The Commercial Press. Translated from(So and Chang 1998)