Chen, Yin-Zu
Associate ProfessorSocial Movements, Gender Studies, Latin American Studies
1999–2005 PhD in Sociology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
1994–1999 Diploma in Social Sciences, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
1992–1994 Investigación Socioeconómica, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentinien (attended)
Yin-zu Chen is associate professor of Sociology at National Taipei University, Taiwan. She holds a degree in social sciences and a doctorate in sociology from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. Her research interests include transnationalism, gender and social movement, young feminisms, masculinities and child care.
Her previous research focused on both national and transnational Latin American women's movements, which resulted from several of her fieldwork endeavors in Columbia, Chile, Peru and Mexico dated back to her graduate study. She has conducted ethnographic research on the life-course of young feminists in Mexico City for several years. Since 2013 she started to study male childminders in Taiwan. She has published, among others, in Journal of Youth Studies, Jounal of Gneder Studies, Frontiers. Journal of Women's Studies, Sociedade e Cultura (in Spanish), Taiwanese Journal of Sociology (in Chinese) and Journal of Women’s and Gender Studies (in Chinese).
Sociology of gender
Men and child care
Latin American Studies
Social movement studies
- Chen, Yin-zu, 2020, Doing Masculinities: Exploring Gender and Age in Professionalizing Family Day Care in Taiwan. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 28(2): 206-222. (with Jing-Yi Wang)
- Chen, Yin-zu, 2020, Gendered symbols and habitus in collective action: Street protests in Taiwan, 1997-2006. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 26 (1): 55-73.
- Chen, Yin-zu, 2019, Exploring identities and practices of Taiwanese men working in family day care: A Tentative Typology. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(8): 883-894.
- Chen, Yin-zu, 2018, Early activism and work arrangements of young feminists in Mexico City. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(4): 457-472.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, Liu, Yi-Chun, 2015, Men as professional babysitters: Identity and the gender division of labor in cooperative child care work. Journal of Women’s and Gender Studies, 36, 105-144.(陳韻如、劉奕均,2015,男性居家托育照顧者:聯合托育中的認同與性別分工,女學學誌,36:105-144。)
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2014, "How to become a feminist activist after the institutionalization of the women's movements. The generational development of feminist identity and politics in Mexico City". Frontiers. Journal of Women's Studies, 35(3): 183-206.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2014, "Identidad latinoamericana de jovenes activistas en espacios politicos internacionales". Revista Internacional de Investigacion en Ciencias Sociales, 10(1):21-34.
- Chen, Yin-zu, 2013, "Campaña contra mortalidad materna: Un análisis de las estrategias discursivas feministas en el Perú". La Ventana. Revista de Estudios de Género. , IV(37): 231-261.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2012, "Análisis de los sitios web del movimiento por los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en México". Sociedade e Cultura, 15(1): 87-98.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, Sen, Yow-sue, Chen, Ya-cin, 2011,The logic of collective violence in street protests. Taiwanese Journal of Sociology, 46: 167-205.(陳韻如、沈幼蓀、陳雅蓁,2011,街頭抗爭的暴力邏輯,《台灣社會學刊》,46:167-205。)
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2011, "Protecting whose Life? News framing of public issues related to Peruvian women's movement." Mass Communication Research, 109, 121–166.(陳韻如,2011,保護誰的生命?秘魯「婦女運動」公共議題之框架,《新聞學研究》109:121-166。)
陳韻如,2009,理性與情感如何結合?評介 C. Julia Hunag, 2009, Charisma and Compassion. Cheng Yen and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Movement. Harvard University Press.《研究台灣》,5:139-143。
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2004, "De los encuentros feministas a las campañas transnacionales: Surgimiento y desarrollo de los movimientos transnacionales de mujeres en América Latina." La Ventana. Revista de los Estudios de Género . Diciembre 2004, No. 20, Vol. 2, p. 267-292.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2002, "Movimientos de Mujeres en Transición. El Caso de Chile." Cefiro , Number 2, Spring 2002, p. 56-61.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2001, "Interne Aspekte des Netzwerkes und seine Handlungsfahigkeiten. Das Beispiel eines Frauengesundheitsnetzwerkes in Lateinamerika und in der Karibik." Zeitschrift fuer Frauenforschung & Geschlechterstudien . 19. Jg., Heft 1+2/2001, S. 151-162.
- Chen, Yin-Zu; Tanaka, Hiromi, 2014, "Women's empowerment" In: Michalos, Alex C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer Reference, pp. 7154-7156.
- Chen, Yin- Zu, 2011, "Between frames and collective actions: A proposal for the analysis of social movements" In: Mendoza Martinez, Emma (ed), Collective action. Selected cases in Asia and Latin America, Ciudad de Colima: Universidad de Colima and Utsunomiya University, Mexico and Japan, pp. 21-35.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2010, "Los marcos interpretativos feministas: una propuesta para el análisis de los movimientos sociales" , p. 233-246, In: Delgado de Smith, Yamile; González, María Cristina (ed.) Mujeres en el Mundo: Multiculturalismo, violencia, trabajo, literatura y movimientos sociales. Valencia, Venezuela.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2007, "En busca de espacios transnacionales de acción: El ejemplo de movimientos feministas en América Latina" , p.253-266, In: Delgado de Smith, Yamile; Gonzalez, Maria Cristina (ed.) Mujeres en el Mundo: Historia, Revoluciones, Dictaduras, Trabajo, Religion y Poesía. Valencia, Venezuela.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2006, "Redes en movimientos: Las redes transnacionales de mujeres hacia la regionalizacion, p. 287-302, In: Delgado de Smith, Yamile; González, María Cristina (ed.): Mujeres en el Mundo. Valencia, Venezuela.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2003, "Zwischen Netzwerken und Bewegungen. Methodische Fragen empirischer Forschung transnationaler Frauenbewegungen." In: Allmendinger, Jutta (Hg.): Entstaatlichung und soziale Sicherheit. Verhandlungen des 31. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Soziologie in Leipzig 2002. 2 Bande + CD-ROM. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.
- 陳韻如,2019,育兒專家與保母的距離: 從媒體論述看托育照顧工作的專業化與再性別化. ,台灣社會學會年會,台北:中研院社會所,11月30-12月1日
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2019, Translating Feminism into Practices of Intimacy: The Case of Feminists in Mexico City. AtGender Spring Conference. Gijon, Spain, 9-11 May 2019.
- Yin-Zu Chen and Jing-Yi Wang, 2018, Doing Masculinities: Exploring Gender and Age in Professionalizing Family Day Care. Gender, Work & Organisation Conference. Sydney, Australia, 13-16 June 2018.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2017, Entre lo personal y lo político: Las prácticas de intimidad de las jóvenes feministas. International Colloquium of History of Women and Gender in Mexico, UC San Diego, San Diego, 2-4 March.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2017, Bodies in Collective Action: Protests against House Demolition and Land Requisition in Taiwan 1989–2012. The First Mobilization Conference on Social Movements and Protest: Nonviolent Strategies and the State, San Diego State University, 5-6 May.
- 陳韻如,2017, Exploring identities and practices of men working in family day care: A tentative typology. 台灣社會學年會,輔仁大學。
Yin-Zu Chen, 2016, “Biographical consequences of Activism: A case study of young activists in Mexico City.” UTokyo LAINAC Conference. The Power of Memory: Perspectives from Latin America. Tokyo, Japan, 10-12 June.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2015, Gender and street protests in Taiwan. XII Conference of the European Sociological Association. Prague, Czech Republic, 25-28 August 2015.
- 陳韻如、李翊維,2015,Gender and street protests in Taiwan. XII Conference of the European Sociological Association. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2014, How to Become a Feminist Activist after the Institutionalization of the Women's Movements. Young Feminists in Mexico.XVIII World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama, Japan, 13-18 July 2014.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2014, Bridging Differences: Feminist Alliance of Peruvian Women's Health Movement. XVIII World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama, Japan, 13-18 July 2014.
陳韻如,2014,Gendered Tactics: Analysis of women in street protests in Taiwan from 1997 to 2006. 12月,新竹:清華大學。
- 陳韻如,2010,長幼有序、男女無別?大學社團中的年級與性別。台灣女學會研討會,屏東教育大學 10月。
- Yin-Zu, Chen, 2010, Internet's Strategies of Social Movement in Mexico City. XVII World Congress of Sociology. Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-17 July 2010.
- 陳韻如,2009,虛擬世界裡的社會運動組織:以墨西哥青少年性與生育人權運動為例。台灣社會學年會,東吳大學。
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2009, "Agentes sociales, Medios de Comunicacion y Globalizacion." International Congress of Americanists. July 19-24, Mexico City.
- 陳韻如、沈幼蓀、陳雅蓁,2009,街頭抗爭的暴力邏輯,社會運動的年代學術研討會,6月12-13日,中山大學社會研究所。
- 陳韻如、姜貞吟,2019,恐嚇與禁止難解孩子的性疑惑。《蘋果日報論壇》,11月22日 。
- 陳韻如,2019, 翻轉男性氣概?提供居家托育服務的男性。《性別平等教育季刊》,87:37-40。
- 陳韻如,2019, Alternative Care: Elder Male Childminders in Taiwan. In: Taiwan Insight. The online magazine of the Taiwan Studies Programme.
- 陳韻如,2018,女性候選人在哪裡可獲得較多選票?派系、政治世家和政黨之外的地方因素。《新知通訊》,328: 54-58。原文刊登於巷仔口社會學(
- 陳韻如,2018,以宗教自由為名,保障特殊利益的宗教基本法。《蘋果日報即時論壇》,10月22日。
- 陳韻如,2017,少數家長團體並不代表多數沉默家長。《蘋果日報即時論壇》,9月7日。
- 陳韻如,2016,當內閣只剩下權力菁英。《聯合報民意論壇》,5月6日。
- 陳韻如,2014,從性別觀點看服貿。《台灣女科技人電子報》,78,科技人論壇。(與台北大學女性主義課程成員合著),
- 陳韻如,2008,〈由私人到公眾─ 從公共性看公民社會的形成〉, 新使者,104:4-7
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2002, "Frauen(Korper) in Perioden: Einige Gedanken uber Menstruationsurlaub in Taiwan¨Ruberta, Nr. 7, Jg. 7, November 2002, S. 31-32.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2002, "Feministinnentreffen, Frauennetzwerke und Aktionskampagnen in Lateinamerika." Solidaridad. Berichte und Analysen aus Chile, Mai-August 2002, Nr. 220/221 –23. Jg. S.15-17.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2001, "Vom Frauennetzwerk zur internationalen Organisation. Das Frauengesundheitsnetzwerk in Lateinamerika." Infobrief NRO-Frauenforum, Nr. 1/2001, S. 9-10."
- Book reviews:
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2019. Book Review: Social Movements in Taiwan’s Democratic Transition: Linking activists to the Changing Political Environment. By Yun Fan. New York, NY: Routledge. Pp. xiv+160. Taiwanese Journal of Sociology,65
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2009. Book Review: C. Julia Hunag, 2009, Charisma and compassion. Cheng Yen and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Movement. Harvard University Press. Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5, 139–143.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2008. Book Review: Ming-Shio Ho, 2006, Social history: Social movement. 3, 95–105.